megan’s pov
“you ok em?” i give her a hug “yeah thanks” she smiled as i pulled away “no it’s fine i hate her so much i could rip her throughout out, o god what am i saying” i trail off “maybe you could tell us whats going on when we get to our house, if you want to?” brad smiled “i guess, my brother and i had a talk by the way and then he went to bed bless him” we walked to were i had parked my car. it is a Mazda silver mini van cool i know “em’s in the front with me?” i squeal as i get in and then em gets in “let’s have a little panic! at the disco playing huh?” i questioned everyone and the boys nodded and em had a cheese grin on her face “this is gospel is coming up” i turned on my iPod and plugged it into the radio and music filled the air.
throughout the journey the boy’s give me directions. we reached a huge house in just under 30 minuets “we have reached your destination thanks for travailing with mega drive lines please make sure you have piked up all your possessions” i smile at the boys as i turn round to them and they let out a little giggle and brad grind at me making me blush and i turn round making sure i had everything i need. we all got out and i looked the car and we walked to the front door, James opened it and we rushed in (well me and em followed the boys) we took are shoes and coats off and walked into what looked like the sitting room.
“so who is this girl? and what the hell is going on?” James looked at me “i will tell them em it’s my fault i got you into this mess…” i took a deep breath “it all started at the start of high school year 7, i bearly new em but i thought she was cool. anyway my friend from home was moving and coming to are school George academy. when she finally did it was year 8 and i was kind of one of them girls with a gob that followed the leader but was also nice when you got to know me. well sally used to make me do things to people that weren’t niece and all of a sudden it all ended up going on em. sally started by calling her names and teasing her, then taking her things and sometimes fiscal bullying but i didn’t want to be involved but i didn’t like what was going on. in the end what got to me was at the start of year 9 sally…p-p-pushed em down a flight of stairs and i was the only one to help her so i did luckily my em was ok and only a broken leg and right arm. after that me and em became friends. i stuck up for everyone that got piked on by her and soon i blew a fuse on her, she has a scar on her left eye you cant see it because of the make up but that was off me i smacked her head of a brick wall out of pure anger” i looked to the floor in shame o myself and em rubbed my back “it’s ok meg you did the right thing” i shook my head “no i didn’t i am just as bad as her i put myself down to her level” a tear rolled down my cheek and soon i was engulfed into a grip hug “megan don’t worry you did the right thing” tris smiled i nodded and rubbed away any tears that had fell.
“maybe you girls could sleep?” brad asked and the boys nodded “yeah we could if…em wants to?” i add looking to her “yeah…ok” yet the boys looked happy “i will get are emergence bags out the back em” i said getting up “emergence bags?” James smiled raising an eyebrow “well are manager you see can just pop up out of the blue and be like ‘o you need to stay here or there’ so we are very prepared” i smiled and then walked out. i got the bags out of the boot but a hand grabbed both of them “hey…o brad for god sake you scared me” i hit him lightly “sorry, i came to help” he smiled making me blush. i didn’t realise but my back was leaned against the car and brad was pretty close to me. i looked into his eyes as he did the same he started to lean in and finally are lips tutched and moved in perfect timing like they were meant to be. i felt brads tung brush across my bottom lip asking for entry but i denied, he then pulled back confused and i looked to the floor i felt like the sun right know “whats wrong megan?” he sounded nervous “nothing, the fact you kissed me maybe running threw my head? and we are in a car park” i said looking round the street he smiled “so i like you a lot so i couldn’t keep it in any longer i needed to kiss you” he smirked and just smiled omg he likes me bradley will Simpson likes me. i started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist “one last thing” he said twirling me to face him “yea-“ i was cut of by his lips and hid tung shoving into my mouth i smiled. i hope he didn’t feel my smile and think its ok just to kiss me. he pulled away “i always win” he smirked i rolled my eyes but i couldn’t get the stupid smile of my face.
we walked back in the house brad taking the bags up to my’n and em’s room. “we should get to know each other how about twenty questions?” me and em nodded “we will ask a question first?” brad walked in the room sitting next to tris “how old are you?” em answered “I’m 17 and meg is 17 but is soon to be 18 in may” she clapped happily “ok are go, any siblings?” tris answered “we all do, i have a little sis and others it would take to long, con has a little brother, James has a little sis and brad has a big sis nat” i smiled and em nodded “what is your favourite colour’s?” con asked “meg likes green but I’m not sure i guess i don’t have a pacific colour” em had a thinking face on.
we played for a little while till we ran out of questions. “we should watch a film?” con gets up looking at the movies “we should watch a disney film” please watch a disney film i am like so addicted “how about despicable me 2” god i am going to end up crying “that’s not fear because i cry at the end” i tried to act stubborn “why did you cry?” con laughed “because he falls in love and get’s married don’t judge me” i smirked at him and he laughed back. putting the film into the t.v “wait, we need snacks” tristan jumps up and brad follows them.
A/N: i know a bit of a cliff hanger but am leaving this one to em (sorry em hehe) but i have my GCSEs to study for so you know work and stuff anyway thanks and i made a trailer so go cheek it out.
love megan xox and emma xxx

the tune
Fanficmegan and emma are best friend's who just enjoy music and making covers on youtube. emma and megan have had quit a past and they think it is all behind them or is it? will people from there past come back to bite them on the bum? and will the sweet...