Chapter 2

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Present day...

Levi's POV

It's been twelve years... twelve years of the new rule of King Victor and Queen Martha, twelve years since my family's death, twelve years of training and planning for this day. Today is the day I start my plan to take back my kingdom and bring peace back to this land. Since the beginning of their reign innocent people died, villagers became beggars, the kind turned to the evil.

I've trained so hard for this day, so hard. I can't wait to finally get my revenge. As I walked through the halls with the other new guards these thoughts kept running through my mind. All the new guards are being summoned to the throne room to be judged whether they are worthy to be a guard. There are about a hundred new guards about to be tested, but only fifty will make it. We will be fighting against one another, one on on. The winner will be placed into training while the loser is carried out in a wagon full of other lifeless losers who didn't make the cut.

When all the new recruits were in the throne room, the King and Queen looked at us all in a judging manner, sizing us up. 

"Okay, as you all know it's the time of the year when we take recruits in to see who will serve us. In case you didn't know the perks of being a guard, these are some. One, your family will be given a hundred golden coins ( That's like 1,000 dollars ) a month for your loyalty to the me and my people. Two, you will have a room to stay in at the barracks where you'll have food and a clean bed. Three, if one of you or your family members commit a crime, you or they will be given the minimum amount of slashes depending on the crime. All you have to do is beat you opponent and you'll be given a place in the barracks as a new guard." As he said that, a lot of the guards started getting antsy wanting get over with this. 

Once he was done, he started pairing recruits up with who they believed was an even match. Even though some were not as even as others everybody knew not to say a word about it since they knew that would only anger them and everybody knew to never get on their bad side.

When they got to me they looked em up and down and looked at others before pairing me up with a man that was about twice my size. This was probably the most unfair pair out of all them so far! I mean, come on I seen a lot of people about his size that he could have been paired with, but no they pair him with me. I know I'm not that weak, but it's like they knew I was a rebel and they wanted me out as soon as possible. I can practically see the victory smirk on that big behemoth. 

"What?! How could you pair me up with this guy? I thought you said you we're pairing us up up with people Fairly." I said outrageously. Hearing a couple gasps from my little outburst. I knew I shouldn't have, but there's a reason I'm called a rebel. I don't take unfairness nicely.

"Hmm... You're right. This isn't fair. Let see if I can find a more compatible component." He said with a smirk as he looked around.

"Ahhh... I think I found the perfect guy for you. You over there in the back, yes you come this way right now." The King said as he pointed at someone in the back to come over.

As people moved a side I could finally see who he was pointing to. Goodness, if I thought the other guy was big, I guess the only was to describe him is as a giant ogre my mother used to tell stories about. He was about seven foot and maybe eight-nine inches tall with the build of a man who has done nothing, but train and body build his whole life. He was the definition of intimidation. 

"How i-" I started to say, but was cut off by the King.

"Okay, now will everyone stand back as these two gentlemen begin the first fight of the evening." The king said as he gave me an evil smirk before walking back over to his queen.

Just great. Fine you wanna play this game, I'll play this game.I thought as everyone backed up creating a makeshift circle for me and this ogre to fight in. I got in my fighting stance as I took out my sword waiting for the King to tell us to start. The ogre was just staring at me freaking me out a bit, but I just ignored his stare and looked for any weak spots. 

It looked as if on his thigh there was a bandage wrap that was doubled over, possible meaning that he has a injury there. Plus, he's bigger which means that he was probably slower and less agile. As I made these assessments the King was counting down from ten which would signal when to the start fight.

Once he said one, I sprinted across to the giant, but instead of attacking I slid in between his legs. Before he could turn around I swung my sword against his thigh directly on the bandage. He let out a painful yell before swinging his battle axe at me. I barely blocked his attack due to the extreme force he used, but managed as I lept out of the way before he had the chance to attack me again. He turned towards me running straight at me as if he was a lion after his prey. He clashes his axe against my sword making me edge back with the pressure he was putting me through. He brings his axe back up to strike at me again, but before he could, I kick him straight in his already bleeding wound making him stagger back, giving me time to lunge onto him. Literally on him, I'm on his back pulling back with all my weight making him fall back. Before he fell to the ground I take my sword and bring it to his throat and sliding it across. He lets out a gurgled yelp as blood begins spewing in the air. I leap off his back before he could fall and crush me. 

As I finally catch my breath I look at my dead opponent  before looking at the king's slightly awed face. When he notices my smirking self, he clears his throat before announcing my victory. The guards and other recruits look at me in surprise before they all slowly begin to applauded me. Four guards come and take the corpse away while I walk over to the side. As the other recruits battle, I kept getting stares and whispers. The king kept on giving me side glances. 

Once everyone was done, the forty-nine others who survived and I walked down the halls to the barracks with the other guards who were explaining the guard rotation and lunch and break schedules. Before I could enter the barracks with the others, one guard pulled me to the side.

"The King and Queen has summoned you." He said with a blank stare.

I nodded and made my way back to the throne room. Once I got there, only the King and Queen and four guards were in there.

The King looked at the four guards and nodded to them to leave, whispering to the one guard next to him before he left. 

"We've noticed that you have quite the battling skills. How is that?" The Queen said.

"My uncle used to be a guard here for quite some time, before he died. He taught me how to defend myself before I decided I wanted learn everything there is to learn about the art of the sword." I lied easily.

"Adequate and what's your name?"

"Dimitri Connor." I Lied once again knowing that if I gave them any information on me or what my name was they'd know right away who I was.

" Okay Dimitri, we've decided that since the guard who has this job is getting old and won't be able to do his job properly once his body starts shutting down, we want you to take his place."

"I see and what exactly is this job?" I asked.

"To protect your future queen." They said in unison.

"What do you me-" I was cut off with the opening on the main doors. The guard from before comes in, but this time not alone. A girl with messy, long dark hair walks in here looking blankly at everyone present in the room. When she sees me, she looks me up and down before walking up to the King and Queen kissing them both on the cheeks.

"Victoria, meet your new bodyguard Dimitri. Dimitri meet your future queen, Princess Victoria." The Queen introduced.



Heyyo People! The picture above was what I think Princess Victoria would look like. Hope you enjoy chapter numbero dos.  A vote would be appreciated and a follow would make my day! 

Have a gucci day ( or night depending when you read this) and if you see any errors please lmk in the comments or hit up my inbox. Going to bed now, it 4:48 right now and I have to be up in like 4 hours. Byyyyeeeee. :p

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