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                                               Phantom Moon
Chapter 5
I'm Sorry! If It seems like I'm lagging on chapters! I am working on multiple stories, and I post all my stories on Multiple sites. So I have been rewriting a lot of stories. I'm a horrible person leaving fans of Twilight Play and the American Victorious Twilight Winx titans Phantom Fans like that! I Promise Not to disappoint the fans of this series either! On with the story!-DPL2

Jacob couldn't help wrinkling his nose. Danny must have been hanging out with the Cullens, or at least been way too close to Jacob's liking; the scent of vampire lingered all over the boy, and his girlfriend.
Or...well, what if the vamps had been spying on Danny or something, trying to see if he was, in fact, a werewolf? what would they do if they learned Danny was a werewolf first, and on their territory? Of course, the kid didn't know anything at least, that's what they all thought- so maybe they should explain..? No.No, no, no. Jacob, and pretty much the rest of the pack, despised the stupid vegetarian-vampires.' No matter what they said their diet consisted of, they were still human blood-suckers at heart.
So...maybe they should tell Danny, and get this all over with before the kid transformed?...If he transformed. The pack was still a bit ...iffy with that piece of information.
But, anyway...they all had noticed Danny was acting a bit different. His girlfriend Sam, too. Is was...was Danny going to morph soon, perhaps? Maybe he already had and told his girlfriend, but no one else. Or...or maybe they were sharing a different secret? ....Nah, the two were'ent old enough, and they certainly didn't seem the type.
So, what was making the two-act so tense? There really were no other secrets, not in Forks...right?
Of course, there were other secrets in Forks, but Jacob Black didn't know that. He didn't know that the 'lost werewolf' was also a human/ghost hybrid, who fought ghosts on a daily basis and knew about werewolves and vampires. But, as previously stated: no one else knew that, except for Danny and, of course, Sam Manson.
Sam was pretty familiar with this whole 'monsters are real' thing by now, having to deal with random ghost attacks pretty much every day for the past year or so. But still...even though she read plenty of books with them, knowing there were real vampires and werewolves was a bit...shocking.
But what really plagued Sam's mind was why the 'pack' here at La Push had invited Danny to come. She was pretty sure it wasn't so he could learn about his heritage.' No, it was probably something so much bigger than that...but the Gothic girl just couldn't figure out what.
Of course, Danny wouldn't listen. He was actually having fun- or trying to. It was actually grating on Sam's nerves.
Well, she thought to herself, everything happens in due time, I guess...
Now, time? Alice was all about timing. Of course, she was- being able to predict the future, why wouldn't she be?
Though....having your family and brother's girlfriend staring at you, trying to make you see something, did get quite annoying.
''It's cloudy,'' she said for what seemed to be the fifty- millionth time. '' I can't see anything regarding Danny in the future! Or Sam!'' she added when Emmett opened his mouth.
''But why?'' Carlisle demanded. Alice sighed.
''Again, I don't know!''
''There's obviously something up...'' Edward'' muttered under his breath. Rosalie sighed.
''So, come on! Is he safe or not?'' she demanded.
Alice sighed, the golden eyes of her family and the brown eyes of Bella on her. ''I...I don't know.''

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