ch. 3

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Disclaimer I own nothing but the plot now... Creators -Nick-Summit entertainment, Stephanie Meyer, Butch Hartman, blah, blah, blah...... previews for future stories on my instagram.. my_pen_my_story and here are my other instagrams! bookstagram-alylovesbooks my dogs instagram - macy_lacy_15and my main instagram - tori_fenton_phantom.............................................................................................................................................................. Phantom Moon Part 2 Previously ''Come closer you stupid wolf,'' said Victoria as she licked her lips, she knew Danny was a new pack member, but she didn't know him, so she didn't know what she was getting herself into, she inhaled his scent with a deep breath but she coughed, something was off. Yes, she knew that the wolves were their greatest enemies and that it's possible to be killed by them. But there was something about this particular wolf on his own. He was different somehow he was black like the pack leader Sam Ulley but he looked different. He had white paws and as Danny lifted his head towards her direction as he unveiled Light green eyes, they were brighter than any of the pack's eyes, that she knew of so far. She sighed as Danny grew closer. He smelled if as if...he was more than just a stupid wolf...something far more powerful than a wolf or even a vampire combined. I just don't know what...-DPL2-....CH. 3......The scent died down... I have no clue where it even went. Danny thought as he sighed. I sniffed the ground. It was an old scent. Cullens? was a vampire..female but not a Cullen. I sighed as I heard one of the wolves howl, it was Seth. Was he calling me? I howled back. Though I was'nt sure what I said. A short time later he howled back, he was further down the wood. I ran as fast as I could as I tried to catch up with the pack. ''What happened? where were you?'' asked Seth telepathically as he put his head to the side, I had finally caught up to the rest of the pack as I looked over at Seth. ''I'm fine, I smelled a vampire..but it was old...It was'nt the Cullens though.'' Danny said as he sniffed the ground. ''Victoria?'' Seth asked curriously. Now it was Danny's turn to move his head slightly. ''Victoria?'' he asked curriously. ''Yeah, Victoria is a red-headed Vampire. she's trouble,'' said Seth as he stretched his legs. Danny looked around the wood Sam and the rest of the pack were discussing something but Danny couldn't make it out. ''Good to know,'' I said to Seth as I walked towards the pack Seth close behind me. ''There you two are..'' said, Sam, as he looked over at Seth and Danny. ''Where were you?'' asked Paul in his usual not so friendly tone. ''I smelled something a vampire ..female...but I lost the scent.'' said Danny softly.'''You what!?'' Paul asked angrily, Victoria ?! and you didn't tell us!'' he yelled. Danny stood tall, he may not know much of being a wolf but since becoming half-ghost, a leader was something Danny knew pretty well, even though he or Paul weren't alpha, Danny was'nt going to let anyone raise his tone with him. He may be a rookie in the wolf department but he knew when bravery, confidence, and strength were needed. ''I would calm down if I were you, Paul, you need to cut me some slack, this is practically my first day as a wolf! heck, it is my first day and it isn't even day at all! I don't know what I'm doing but it's apparently in my genes and you know what I'm proud of it, but you are going to have to cut me some slack! I'm new to all this! so your just going to have to deal with it.'' It grew silent. No one knew what else to say, no one has ever stood up to Paul, aside from Bella of course. ''What did you say?'' asked Paul threw gritted teeth. ''Paul, that's enough,'' said Sam Ulley in a serious tone. Paul backed up quickly not wanting to anger the alpha. ''He started it,'' he said softly in an annoyed tone. ''Well, I'm ending it,'' said Sam as he growled in Paul's direction, causing Paul to whine. ''Now, let's do a preminiter run, last one of the night,'' said Sam as Jake and the rest of the pack follow close behind. Danny right on their tails.......................................................................................................................Sometime later... Danny slowly entered the run down hotel room that he shared with his best friend Sam Manson. ''Where have you been?'' she asked in a worried tone. ''It's a long story, Sam,'' said Danny as he hugged his worried friend. ''You can't hide everything from me, Danny, '' said Sam as she stroked Danny's chest. ''What are you talking about?'' Sam grabbed his hand as she led him towards his bed. 'What's going on?'' Danny looked at those violet eyes and knew he would'nt get out of this he sighed. ''I was right.'' Sam gave him a questionable look. ''What are you talking about?'' Danny sighed as he fiddled with his fingers. ''The Cullens and the Quileutes.'' Danny said as he played with his fingers.''When we followed them ... my theory. The Cullens are vampires and Jacob and his friends.. they're werewolves!'' Danny said as he shot up from the bed. ''Danny..wait are you pulling my leg?'' she asked as she raised an eyebrow. ''No...'' Danny sat up. '' I saw them, and...'' he bit his lip. Sam took his hands. ''What? you can tell me .'' Danny smiled a small smile. ''I came here to learn about my culture... and our theories. The Cullen's they're vampires! and Jake and Sam Ulley and the rest of those shirtless guys they're Werewolves! '' said Danny who quickly went out of breath. Sam quickly stood up. ''Wait so... they really are....?'' Danny nodded. ''Vampires ..yes.' Danny said and the shirtless guys...jake and them. they're Werewolves. '' Danny said as he sat back down on the bed by his girlfriend Sam Manson. Sam sighed. ''Wow.,'' she said as she leaned her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. I didn't want to let her know I'm one too, not yet. It might be too much for her I have to tell her though. She's my best friend...and my girlfriend the love of my life. I will, I will tell her everything. Danny thought as he bit his lip thinking of what to do. Later... ..................................................................................................................There's something he's not telling me... and I'm going to find what that is............................................................................................................................................That night I met Sam Ulley at the edge of the woods to meet up with the rest of the pack, Sam and I have gotten close since I became apart of the pack. It was as if I was taken under his wing or something... it just made me feel as if I was apart of something ... something big, that's just it isn't it? I was apart of a full-fledged pack. The Quilutes... A.NSorry it's short, I have no ideas, so I'm open to ideasDPL2

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