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I'm driving to the new building that my dad's work, GLPS , is building with my dad. Turns out I have to help him to set up a table with drinks and champagne for the launch of the new building.

We park in front of the construction site and my dad takes the tables to the roof where the rest of the employee's  will gather.

We're a little late so when the people start arriving I still have to take the drinks up and put it in ice.

I start walking like there's a fire under my ass. I get the heavy container with the drinks and start walking up the stairs. I turn my head to look at the coming people and lock eyes with Ryan. He smiles at me and I almost miss the next step. I recover before crushing my face against the stairs and rush to the ice buckets to put the drinks in them.

A few seconds later the first people arrive and I'm relieved we could get everything done in time.

My dad asked me earlier to take his phone and snap some photos for the company's website. I'm at the very edge of the roof , if I take a step back I'll plunge down two storeys to the earth beneath. I lift the smart phone and snap a photo of my dad's colleagues.

I'm about to walk back to my dad when a velvet voice startles me. "You look good behind a camera but with a beautiful face like yours, I think you would look amazing in front of one."

I whip around to see the face the voice belongs to and I freeze. It's Ryan and he's taking a step towards me. I turn to face him completely. I realise I haven't responded to him when his smile grows.

"Thanks. But can I ask you a question? " I look into his lush green eyes and he nods to answer yes. "How many girls have you said that to? cause you sound familiar with the saying."

His perfect eyebrows shoot towards the sky after hearing my comeback. He let's out a small chuckle and a small smile takes over my lips.

"I did not expect that." He says, shaking his head before continuing. "I've used it once or twice but it's the first time I truly mean it."

I blush a deep pink and avert my eyes away from his face. I notice he's tall with broad shoulders. I already know he is athletic, because of his hard chest which means he has rock hard abs.

He clears his throat and I see he caught me checking him out. 'Could this be more embarrassing? '

"We should get back to the others." I say , trying to get out of this embarrassing moment.

He looks up , over my shoulder and his face lights up. I turn to see what he was looking at. When I see it's my dad coming our way I close my eyes and groan.

"There you are , I was looking for you." My dad says when he is a few steps from us.

"Just talking to Ryan. I was just about to come to you. " I look at Ryan and he has a enormous smirk on his face. 'I would love to smack the smirk off your face but there are other ways too'

I shake my head to get rid of the suggestive thoughts.  "What were you talking about? " My dad looks at me while he asks. I look back at Ryan trying to decide if I should tell him or just play it down but before I can say anything, I hear Ryan answer.

"I told your daughter that a beauty like her looks good behind a camera but it belongs in front of one instead." We stare at each other while he speaks. Never breaking eye contact.

My dad starts to chuckle beside me, I almost forgot he was standing next to me. I look away first from the staring contest and wonder if he really could mean the words he said.

***(2 hours later)

I'm chilling in my Alice in wonderland themed room when my phone dings,indicating a new notification.

I tap my password in and open Facebook  messenger to see a familiar name.

I open the new conversation and smile.

            I finally found your account,
            I kept getting  flight schools.
            I couldn't resist myself,I had to
            find you. I hope you will be a
            frequent sight at GLPS or I'll
            have to get creative."

The whole zoo is stampeding through my stomach while I think of a reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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