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SEPTEMBER 10th, 2018.

"So, you came here because you saw Adelina kiss someone else?" Claudia raised her eyebrows at Marco. He remained silent and continued staring at his tea. Claudia sighed and shook her head. "Look, Marco. I'll be honest with you, okay? You two aren't married anymore, Adelina isn't yours. She has a right to move on, you know? She should be happy. Don't you want her to be happy?"

"Yeah, but I-I don't want her to be with someone else! I want her back, can't you see how hard I'm trying to get her to forgive me? I'm tired of flying back and forth just to see Mattia. I miss them in my life, and now, some idiot is taking them away from me." Marco threw his head back and sighed. "I shouldn't have come here. Well, I'm sorry for wasting your time, Claudia. You probably never had these problems."

"Well, you clearly don't know me well." Claudia chuckled. She returned the empty tea cups to her kitchen and went back to Marco in the living room. "But listen. Adelina is happy, okay? You should let her live her life, even if it means her being with someone else. She felt much worse the day she saw you and that Sara girl, isn't that right?"

"Yes," Marco mumbled hesitantly. "I guess you're right. Maybe I'm being completely selfish, after all."

"Just a little. You're only jealous," Claudia shook her head. She sighed and patted his shoulder. "I think you should go to bed. Good night, Marco."


NOVEMBER 6th, 2018.

"So, you excited?" Marco heard Raphael ask from behind him. Marco raised his eyebrows and huffed, Raphael nodded and cleared his throat. "I'm taking that as a no. But hey, you'll get to see Mattia, don't you miss her?" He smiled softly at the Spaniard.

"Of course, yes, but I just don't want to see Adelina and that stupid boyfriend of her's. I don't even know who he is," he rolled his eyes. "I'm not looking forward to this unnecessary charity gala. I just want to see my daughter, you know? I haven't seen her in a month."

"I thought she came to visit you last month." Raphael frowned and pushed his hands in the pockets of his suit. Marco shook his head and sighed. "No, no. She went to Portugal with Caterina and Andrea. But Claudia came to visit me and Igor, and she told me everything about that new guy Adelina's dating. I remember her saying he was French, or something..."

"Oh, that's great." Raphael said with a grin. "Him and I will probably get along well. But, anyway, how serious is it between them?"

"Well Claudia said he's trying to convince Adelina to move with him to London, so..." Marco continued brushing his hair as Raphael watched. "I don't get it. She has her whole life in Milan, I mean, she can't just drop everything and move with him."

"Listen," Raphael narrowed his eyes at Marco. "Do you want her to he happy, or not? Do you want her to die single and miserable? You should be happy for her. You're the one who left her."

"You're right," Marco sighed and shook his head. He took a seat on the bed and looked down at the ground. "She should be happy. I just have to accept the fact that I will never get another chance to make her happy again. She does have a right to move on, and I should not stop her. I... I have to stop thinking of myself and let her be happy, you're absolutely right."

"Good. Now, let's go. The rest of the team are probably waiting for us downstairs." Raphael pulled Marco out of their room and they made their way to the elevator. All of them followed Florentino and the rest of the coaching board to the ballroom where the gala was held.

Murmurs were heard everywhere in the room once they stepped in. Marco's eyes searched the place until he found her. There she was, looking gorgeous as she spoke to someone. She was dressed in a vintage Christian Dior black evening dress that reached just above her knees; her long hair was collected in a bun and her bangs decorated her face. Her makeup was soft and simple, she was wearing a pearl necklace with matching earrings. Adelina's eyes lit up when she looked at the team she was sponsoring.

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