Chapter 1

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H/C=hair color

E/C=eye color

H/L=hair length

F/F= favorite food

F/C=favorite color


    Y/N POV

Yay!! It's my first day at school! It's a new school. That means new life,new friends, and new luck." Hey, look at the loser." I heard a boy say behind me." Are you talking about yourself?" I said smirking." You think your funny!" He started yelling at me." Yes, I do think I'm funny." I said looking at the ground." Well you picked the wronge person to make jokes with." Then his girlfriend said," Kill her bae!"she said laughing." Hey! What do you think your doing?" I heard a beautiful voice say behind me.
"Oh crap! It's the class president!" They all ran from her. I turned around to see a girl with long blue hair that was blowing in the wind. When I saw her I knew I was blushing like crazy! I couldn't stop admiring her beauty that I started to feel a little dizy. The next thing I remembered was every thing going black. I think I fainted?

   Miku's POV

Omg!!! The new girl just passed out infront of me!!! She looks so cute... Wait!! What am I saying! She's not into girls, is she? Never mind that I have to get her to the nurse.
At the nurse's

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked the nurse. I don't know why I am so worried about her, I mean, I don't even know her but I feel that I need to protect her." Yes. She's going to be fine." The nurse said calmly." Don't you have class?" Once she said that I jumped out and ran out the the door. But before I ran as fast as sonic, I said to the nurse," Take care of the her!"
      2 minutes later
"Sorry I'm late!" " Oh! Miss Miku. Your late." I could see the teacher was mad." Well you see I helped the new girl and I had to take her to the nurse." "Anyway. Sit down. We're talking about something really important." As soon as she said those words, I sat down." Hey, what's the new girl like?" Daren asked me. I was suddenly flushed with jealousy. Wait! What damn it miku get your head together! "She seems nice and she's really pretty-" "I hope I can get to know her better!" I answered Daren ignoring the tinge of jealousy in my stomach.

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