Chapter 1

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My name is Kathryn Century and I am over a thousand years old but look no older than twenty one. I am also the most feared general of the Underworld army. Right now I'm currently running for my life from a bunch of guys who clearly have too much testosterone. Seriously I can see the bulge from here and me being a girl doesn't help now does it. Well while I run for my life why don't I tell you about this world?

In this world there are three worlds. Underworld where I live, Midworld where I'm going, and Upperworld. Underworld is a desolate place where people go when they die if they had done evil deeds in life. Upperworld is the exact opposite of the Underworld. Midworld is basically like your Earth. There are also two other worlds, the Upper Upperworld and the Under Underworld, which are basically a shopping space for their respectful world.

Now let's talk races (human races) and people. I'm going to try and explain the most complicated type of person first. These people are called genders. Genders are our version of the LGBT community but with a twist. Genders can basically change their sex at will and what I mean by this is that they can completely change from male to female or vice versa. The races we have are humans, elves, robots, under water people, Upperworld people, and Underworld people.

Everyone can control an element even genders. The element you can control is based on the village you were born in and your parents. If your parents have the same element you are guaranteed to have that element. If your parents have different elements you will have an element that combines the two. That's all I can say on that.

Now that you have a basic understanding of this world I will explain how I got into this mess. It basically it started when I lost my sword. My sword is a rare type of sword and the only one of its kind. It is called the Black Dragon Sword. It's also one of a kind because it was made from and holds the consciousness of an Underworld Black Dragon the rarest species of dragon in the three worlds. There are only three of them in the three worlds including the one in my sword. Also I'm the only one who can wield it too.

That led to my troops not taking me seriously because everyone knows how dangerous I am with it. My elemental abilities are great too. I was an air ninja before I came to the Underworld. A pretty strong one too. But Underworld people and Upperworld can wield all elements but prefer to stick to the element they are strongest in. I also know a forbidden air move that is quiet devastating and dangerous. But my sword is the main reason I am feared. So I'm going to Midworld to retrieve it.

The reason I am running is because unlike other races Underworld people hibernate every one to two years. But we also have a mating season and guess what time of year it is. You guessed it. It's mating season and men can't hold back their lust and will attack any women they see. So I have to leave the Underworld fast. Good thing I have already prepared for the trip to Midworld. I'll see you there hopefully things there haven't changed much the last thousand years.

The Underworld Black Ninja GirlWhere stories live. Discover now