Drama Alert

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Rogan grinned when she said he was allowed over anytime. Part of him was sure if he showed up every day and interrupted her studying she would get sick of him just as fast as she got sick of his parties. "I think I'll stick with knocking and notes." he stated. Getting her cell phone number would feel...odd. Given their relationship of being friendly neighbors, in his mind if he got her number she would sort of be just like every other girl he contacted. The note writing and face to face knocking made her different. It made her special. He laughed at her comment of who needs numbers these days. It fit perfect with his own thoughts concerning her number it was almost eerie.

Then she mentioned the couch she ordered online, "Look at you! I should have known you were already on the ball with this college experience apartment furnishing. The entertainment system is pretty easy to pick out once you know the size of TV you are buying. It's not like you'll need anything fancy with a lot of alcoves. I don't see you setting up different types of gaming systems to have a Smash Bros. or Just Dance parties. No offense." he stated as they exited the building and began their walk back to their apartment building.

When they reached their floor he looked over at her and said, "This is where I bid you adieu. It may surprise you that I actually have my own studying to do." as he approached his door and pulled out his keys.


Kristy giggled at his comments. "Oh you have studying do you? I find that hard to believe," she giggled. Her phone buzzed and she pulled it out. "Oh. Excuse me. Haven't talked to this person in a few years." She said before answering. "Hello mother," she said facing her door. She pulled out her keys and unlocked it before pushing it open, the books tumbling out of her arms. "Yes I did- oh damnit- I did get the letter. I spent nearly 48 hours re reading it," she said throwing her bag inside.

Kristy kicked the books inside before turning and giving Rogan a wave before she shut the door with her foot. The conversation faded as she walked further into the apartment.

After she finished her conversation with her mother she received a call saying her couch was on the way. She waited inside until she got the final call saying it was outside. She walked downstairs to me them, helping them carry it to the elevator, and standing it up on the arm carefully before pulling it out and to her apartment. They dropped it to the floor gently before they left. She could arrange it later. She pulled out the letter and dropped to the couch, letting herself sink into the firm plush.


'Drama alert!' his mind screamed as he heard her excuse herself to take the call of someone she hadn't talk to in a few years followed by the words 'Hello mother'. The formality of her speech and indication of how much time had passed since speaking with her definitely signaled to him that Kristy was not on good terms with her mother. How long was a few years? Three? Seven? He had no idea.

He heard the falling off books and turned around about to help her when she waved him goodbye and scooted the books inside and closed her door. Her voice faded and he entered his apartment. He plopped down onto his couch and resisted the urge to veg for an hour. The sooner he studied the sooner he could have a entirely free Saturday he reminded himself and that pulled his focus to the dreadful task of studying.

A while later he heard some commotion out in the hall. Taking a quick peek he discovered Kristy's couch had arrived. The delivery guys were having a fun time playing Tetris as they angled it through the door and into her apartment. Deciding he had studied enough he popped over and knocked on her door.

"As a semi-professional couch sitter I insist I be allowed to assess the new addition to your household." he said in mock formality through the door, knowing she could probably hear him, unless she was in her room. But why would she be there? Surely she was in her living room on her new couch.

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