The Exhibition

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Hello everyone it's me again. Last chapter you and Louise were greeted with the presence of the Princess of Tristan Princess Henrietta. Now let's get into this chapter.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was now the day of the exhibition. It was about noon and the exhibition was on its way. In open a court yard next to the court yard where I always found Katie was were the exhibition was being held. There was a huge stage with row after row of chairs for students to sit in with a small section for the 2nd year students. Princess Henrietta sat under a royal looking tent with 2 guards on each side outside the tent. The 2nd year student had to wait in a tent before showing off their familiars and sitting down in their seat. Mr. Colbert was on the stage as the MC.

"We will now begin the presentation of this year's new crop of familiars" he says.

{Time Skip}

My routine for the exhibition was after many of Louise's classmates' routines. From what Louis told me, we were after Tabitha. Tabitha was doing her routine right now, the students in the audience looked up to the sky and watched as Tabitha rode on her dragon. Me and Louise were standing at in the waiting tent next to the stage. I had Derflinger on my back as I stood next to Louise.. When tabitha's routine was finished the audience clapped and Mr. Colbert announced Tabitha's name and the name of her familiar.

"Your routine better be good" Louis tells me sternly.

"It is good, you don't need to worry about it" I tell her.

"I'll worry about if I want to" she says.

Then we hear Mr. Colbert.

"Next up is Ms. Louise Françoise le Blanc de La Vallière"

"Here we go then" Louise says with a worried tone.

We walk onto the stage and face the audience. Louise didn't look very fond of standing in front of everyone with me by her side, probably because of her reputation around school. Some people were clapping as we stood on stage including Princess Henrietta, then the clapping calmed down.

"Let me introduce him, this is my familiar, his name is (Y/n) (L/n). And his type is...." Louise said before trailing off.

"Go for it Louise the Zero" Malicorne shouts then the audience started to laugh.

Louise looked over to Princess Henrietta and she had a gentle smile on her face.

"His type is...It's a peasant alright" Louise shouts.

The entire audience then roars with laughter except the very few who knew what respect was even if social rank is involved. Louise looked at me with face a of sadness then looks back at the audience.

"A peasant isn't his type it's his social rank" a guy shouts.

"Just we would expect from Louise the Zero" another guy shouts.

POV: Louise

I listened as the audience laughed at me and said hurtful comments. I closed my eyes wanting all of this to be just a horrible dream.

The Familiar Of Zero: Dragon (x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now