Chapter 5

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How to deal with braces

1. never get green or yellow, it will look like you have something in-between your teeth

2. drink less soda and drinks with lots of sugar, eat less candy and cookies and other sweets or you'll teeth will go yellow

3. if your teeth are sore, rinse it with some warm salt water or take Tylenol

4. if you have a loose brakets or band and its uncomfortable and pokes you put some wax on it ( when you go to your next appointment ask for wax and they will give you a special type of wax, not candle

5. try and brush your teeth 3-4 times a day, braces pick up a lot plaque

Tan easier

sunshine is the best and most natural way to get a tan, remember to always but sun cream to protect yourself

skin that is hydrated will tan easier and faster, drink plenty of water, exfoliate legs in the shower and always moisturize

find a perfect spot, lay your towel or place your chair in a spot with sunshine all around, like in the middle of your yard

move around while tanning. you have to make sure your body tans equally so set your front, back sides etc

use aloe based skin lotion after you tan to prevent it from being all flaky after

What do breakouts mean?

forehead: breakouts across the forehead are often triggered by sleep deprivation. make sure to sleep for at least 7-9 hours to keep your forehead clear

between eyebrows: breakouts here are caused by unhealthy foods or food allergy, cut back on sugar, dairy, rich foods and soda to clear skin in this area

Cheeks: your cheeks are linked to your respitory system, breathing in polluted air causes breakouts here

side of chin: the sides of your chin are affected by hormones, breakouts here often during your period

life hacks

sore throat? eat marshmallows or cucumbers

Burnt tongue? put sugar on it

want lighter hair? rinse it with lemon juice

have a headache? eat 10-12 almonds and drink a bottle of powerade

can't stop yawning? place your tongue at the top of your mouth

hate ads on games? put it on airplane mode

want to cancel a text? put it on airplane mode to immediately cancel

can't fall asleep? blink your eyes very fast for one minute  

want to get rid of acne? put a dab of Listerine on it


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