The Dark Twisted Truth

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Chapter 7: The call with Fury

After three rings Fury picked up the phone.

“Mrs. Parker, how may I help you?” Fury asked in his deep voice.

“It’s starting again.” Willow said. Even though she wasn’t there she could tell that the energy shifted around him.

“What happened this time?” Fury asked his voice grave.

“I got a box. Inside it had a bottle of Asprin, and a note. The note had the same handwriting as before. It was even signed the same. Your worst nightmare.”

“Why is this person starting again now?”

“I don’t know, maybe because Phil died, and he, she, or they, think I’m vulnerable.” Willow said sighing.

“Listen Willow, we didn’t tell you this about your other Uncle’s death, but he was killed the same way. Shot four times in the heart. Twice in the head, and once in head.” Fury said.

“So you’re saying you believe me, when I say it’s starting again?” Willow asked.

“Yes, and this person is extremely dangerous. Deadly. We’re going to reopen the case. We’re going to keep you and Peter safe.”

“Oh yeah, you said that when my mom died. When you said you were going to keep me and my family safe. So what happened?”

“Listen. We know we need to do something differently. We need to keep at better eye on things. I reassure you that things are going to be fine.”

“We should have known by Rebecca and Tracy’s death that it was starting again.”

“Yeah, it was a mistake we didn’t figure it when your Uncle died. Things are going to get messy.”

“Like it did last time.” Willow said sighing. “Who are you going to send over?” Willow questioned.

“Clint and Natasha. They both seem to like you and Peter. Do you still have the note?”

Willow quickly got it out from the garbage can. “Yeah, I do.”

“Good, keep it. One last thing before I go. Does Peter know about this, Willow?”

“No, and he’s not going to know. And, he is never going to know. For his safety.” Willow said. “Got it, we keep this quite. Between me, you, and the other shield agents.”

“Got it.” Fury said.

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