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 You wake up to the sound of your baby girl Nashi crying her little face off shes only 2weeks old so it's hard enough as it Is for me to be a signal mother at 16 to be waking up every night at 3:00 in the morning.

You get up from your bed and go into Nashis room and you turn on her little lullaby and you picked her up and put her in your arms and you craddled her.

Oh Nashi please just go to sleep I love you so much but I can't carry you all day and night you said looking at her as she calms down 


I'm Lucy I did not have sex or get raped my dad recommended a thing where a man donates sperm and then all you have to do is unfreez it and inject it in you but what my dad though was that I wasn't gunna get  pregnet .....but I did it was a surprise I had a baby girl the doctors confused Nashi as a baby boy. The father I had never meet but his name started with a N and his last name with a D but it honestly could be any one right? So in the mean time her last name is Nashi mirabella heartfelia 

Then soon Nashi cryed herself to sleep and you then put her in her crib and you walked over to your bed and tryed to at least to get another hour of sleep.

Then your wish came true then soon came 6:00 when you had to get ready for your last month of highschool there were 2-3 people who I still didn't know in that class but I don't care as long as my family has a way through life right?

KYou then picked up the little pink haird baby girl and you put on a baby body suit that said mommy's little cutie that had a little orange on the left side I thought it was cute then you put on those little arm mittens on her hands so she doesn't scratch her face then you put on little socks on her then she looked adorable at the end 

Then came where you had to get ready you took a light shower so you wouldn't take to long for the baby you put your hair into a little ponytail with a piece of black ribbon then you put on your pink pantys and bra then you grabbed a white and grey pajama ish jacket and you slid them on and then you grabbed your skinny black nice fabric kind of pants and you put on your white vans that say heartfelia on them and then once you did that you grabbed the car seat that Nashi was in and you put her in the car and you buckled her up and then started the car and then you buckled your self up and then you drove to Wendy's house so that she could baby sit little Nashi.

You started to pull up in wendys drive way and then you parked the car unbuckled your seatbelt and you got out to get nashis car seat and then once you took nashis car seat out she started to giggle 

You excited to see aunty Wendy I see? You said laughing as you saw Nashi giggle 

Then you walked up and you knocked on her front door Then she opens it with a big smile like always but then it disappeard?

Hey Luce I'm sorry today I have to cancel she said looking down like she disappointed you 

Oh what's wrong ?you said 

It's just that I'm sick and I don't wanna get Nashi sick and I can't babysit I've never declined with Nashi before so I feel like I disappointed you she said with a gentle cry 

Don't worry Wendy you go and recover ok I can see if I can take Nashi to school with me you said as Wendy started to lift up her chin.

What if you can't? She said worriedly 

She's to cute not to come with me I'm sure they  will say yes you said taking a laugh  

Ok Luce she said with a little chuckle 

Aww I'm so sorry Nashi I can't take you with me I'm sorry I hope you accept my apology Wendy said looking at Nashi 

Once again sorry Lucy wend said 

No worry's I better get going though see you later Wendy you said walking to the car 

Bye Lucy and Nashi good luck she said waving 

Bye you said 

You got in the car and you buckled you and Nashi up and then you started to drive to the school......but then Nashi began to cry 

Oh baby don't cry aunty Wendy is sick you can't go to her house today you said to the crying Nashi  but then you had an idea you pulled over to the curb and you grabbed your phone and put on a Lyras  lullaby from an app called celestial baby  music then you turned it up as you did so you put your phone down and began to drive again 

Then once you got to school you got Nashi the little sleepy head out and you closed the car door and locked it and you opened the door to the school and you went upfront to check in with the front desk person 

Hey mrs. Hanna  I can't take the ababy to daycare or her babysitter may I please take her with me for just for today you asked with a plead

I don't know Luce I donr think it would be fair to you and to the others to be taking siblings to school she said looking at you worriedly 

Well acctuly umm she's my, baby you said unbuckling her and carring her 

Oh she's to cute to be true with her pink hair and Well I umm ok Luce just for today ok you promise she won't be a distraction she said working you 

You have my word mrs. Hanna you said to her 

Ok then go to class now your 30 min late she said rushing you 

Thank you so much! You said puting nashi in her car seat again 

You had a pink blanket with stars on her baby bag and your back pack with you so it was a little bit hard to carry 

Then you walked to your first period And once you walked in everyone just starred and started to whisper about you and the baby 

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