Good Day ~ Chapter 10

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" Let's get out there!!!" Caleb yells, jumping out of the car.

Everyone piles out of the van, and waits for the others to finish getting their things out of the back. I stand impatiently with my beach bag slung over my arm and the towels, I got from my room, tucked inside. I stare out at my new surrounding while feeling the hot sun on my pale skin. The beach itself is deserted. A few families running around playing frisbee and football. Even groups of little kids play in the sand together. The boys are still arguing over something so I decide to walk down and find a place for my things.

Taking off my sandals and letting the warm sand tickle my toes. I search for good spot on the sand that's comfortably close to the shore. After settling in my area for my belongings, I sit down on my towel and look out to the blue ocean and it's beautiful white sand. But I notice something. Alone by the shore is a little girl perhaps five at the oldest. No one stands by as a guardian. She just sits there looking down into the water and occasionally smile when she finds a smell or sees something in the water. 'Why is she alone?' I questioned myself. Feeling obligated to protect her I stand up and walk over to her with a extra towel I brought with me. Crouching to her level, she notices me and looks me in the eye with a smile.

" Look!" She exclaims, with a pink shell in her hand.

" Pretty," I say laughing a little at her cuteness. " Hey Sweetie. Are you here alone?"

She sets the shell on my lap and looks around. Her facial expression turns to confusion instead of the unbreakable happiness. With wide eyes she turns back to me and nods.

" Yeah," She said.

" Is alright! Come here," I said bringing her into a hug, which she happily accepts. " Do you know where your mom or dad was last?"

"There.." She points to the unfolded chairs that sit feet away from my little set up.

No one.

" Do you know where my mommy is?" She looked up to me.

I shook my head and her eyes filled with little tears.

" It's alright, shhh... It's alright," I cooed.

What am I suppose to do with a orphan little girl?! She can't do anything for her self... I have to find the guys.. They won't like the idea of me concerned and worried about a random little kid. But.. This is different. So I stand up bring her with me. Her dark, curly hair cascades down her her back and her big brown eyes are covered in fear. " It's alright, Sweetie." I repeated again, trying to calm her. Her little pink bottom lip quivers, seeming that she about to cry. I press her head to my shoulder and let her cry silently.

So I walk back to my bag and grab a towel to rap around her and look back at the direction of the van. No one but Caleb. Who looks as lost as I am. I rush over to him.

" Hey Cam, have seen Jason-? Hold up... Since when were you a mother?" He said confused as Hell.

" I'm not a mother, I found her all alone down at the beach and I couldn't just leave her there," I explain to the dumbfounded idiot in front of me.

" Okay, well, Uh- I think the guys went that way." He said pointing to the other end of the beach that had no one on it.

" Okay... Let's go there?" I honestly don't know what to do. I looked down the little girl clinging to my waist and say," What's your name sweet heart?"

" Isabella.." She said in her adorable little kid accent and hushed tone.

Caleb grabbed her off my hip and tossed her in the air. Catching her in his arms while making her scream and laugh before saying, " Well I don't know about you Cameron but I'm going to call her Izzy."

Gone... ( A Jason McCann Love Story;Kidnapping)Where stories live. Discover now