Chapter Eleven

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

I never thought there'd be a time where Niall and I wern't friends. I mean we've been friends since we were little kids. We've been through everything together, Yet now I can't bare to be near him. It's my fault, I know it's my fault, But what was I supposed to do? Up until the party things were normal, I mean I knew there was something wrong with Niall, But I just assumed it was stress with our up coming exams, I didn't think anymore of it. Things they were normal, Or so I thought. Then the shock of a lifetime came, I learned that my bestfriend was inlove with me. What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to say? I could never return his feelings, I mean I'm straight, I've always been straight, I've never looked at another guy before, I've got Demi, I love Demi, I don't feel anything towards Niall, I don't love him, Not like that anyway. I knew there was no way we could ever be the same again, I did what I thought was best, The best thing for me to do was walk away. Niall and I could never be as close as we were, There was no way we could be friends while he's inlove with me, We needed to be apart from eachother. That's why I walked away, It hasn't been easy but it's what had to be done. I've seen Niall at school, I saw hurt in his eyes, I've watched his name fill up the screen of my phone multiple times, I stood back and did nothing when everyone found out. I'm a complete prick, I've been a complete asshole, I crossed the line, I left Niall to get beaten up, I walked away as he screamed for me to help him, I've never once done that to him. Guilt's been eating away inside of me. How could I leave him? Why didn't I just help him? I wanted to apologize to him, Say I was sorry and that I should have helped him, But when I went to apologize I saw him with somebody, I saw him with another guy. 

Who was the guy? Why was he at Niall's? Why was he hugging him? I thought Niall was inlove with me? He said he loved me so why's he hugging somebody else? Wait! Why do I care? Niall's not my boyfriend, He's not my anything!  But who was that guy?

"Zayn babe" Demi's voice filled my ears, I looked up from the desk to see her sat beside me. 

"Hello beautiful" I said before giving her a quick kiss, She smiled warmly at me.

"I tried calling you last night but it kept going to voicemail" She commented. 

"Yeah I had family over, Sorry" I lied, Demi smiled kindly.

"It's alright. Zayn listen, I wanna talk to you about Niall" I sighed. "Don't sigh at me, Your being a complete idiot and a right asshole to him" I looked down. "Look, I know him being gay came as a huge shock, And I know you didn't see it coming, None of us did, But Niall's your bestfriend and he's in a fragile state at the moment. He's getting bashed left, Right and center and he dosen't know where to turn, He needs all his friends Zayn, He needs you, And I know you miss him" Demi stated, I said nothing. "Zayn look at me " I did as she said. "He's still Niall, He still needs you"

"Dosen't look like it to me" I mumbled, Demi raised her eyebrow. 

"What'd you mean?" She asked.

"On friday, I went round to his, I saw him hugging some guy" I informed her, Demi nodded.

"Ok? So maybe he's met somebody, Is that so bad?" She asked, Once again I said nothing, Demi sighed. "Zayn you need to get over this, Stop acting like all those homophobic idiots, Your not like them Zayn, You've never had a problem with gay people before so why are you acting like this? There's nothing wrong with being gay, Lesb-"

"You proud of yourself Malik?!" Cher's angry voice bounced off the walls of the classroom, My head shot up and everybody in the class stopped what they were doing. "Well? Answer me!" Cher spat.

"What's going on?" Demi asked, Cher looked at her. 

"Oh didn't he tell you? Niall got his head kicked in on Friday after school, Zayn here saw the whole thing and he didn't do a damn thing about it! He fucking walked away while Niall got beaten to a pulp!" Cher yelled, Demi's eyes widened. 

"Is that true?" She questioned, I sighed.

"Don't bother lying Zayn I saw the whole thing" Harry stated.

"Why'd you do it Zayn? Why'd you leave him?" Liam questioned.

"I'll tell you why. He did it cause he's a homophobic little prick!" Louis spat.

"Zayn" Demi exclaimed.

"Look I'm sorry alright? I should have helped him I know that" 

"Oh so that makes it better does it?" Cher stated. 

"I didn't say that! Look where is he? I need to speak to him" I exclaimed, Cher chuckled.

"Your joking right? You wanna talk to him now?" Louis spat. 

"He's not coming in today" I looked at Cher confused. "Oh sorry didn't you know? You made him feel so bad about himself, Every single fucking one of you made him feel so useless that he wanted to leave! He wanted to go back to Ireland because he dosen't feel like this is his home anymore!" My eyes widened and I felt like someone had punched me straight in the heart. 

"What?" I chocked out. 

"Yeah! He wanted to go home! You were the only person he wanted Zayn and all you did was turn your back on him! He's gone back to Ireland for half term and when he comes back, If he comes back you better stay away from him" Cher warned me.

"You can't make me do that" I said.

"You had your chance to be there Zayn, You had your chance and you fucking blew it, Stay away from him!" Cher spat before walking out the classroom, My eyes scanned the room and everyone had the same look I did, Shock. 

"Zayn?" Demi questioned.

"I have to go" I exclaimed before grabbing my bag and running from the room, I pushed him away, How could I do that? What have I done? 

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