Chapter Fifteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it. Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

Todays the day of the barbecue. If I said I was looking forward to it I'd be lying through my teeth. I've got family coming who I only ever see once every few years, But that's not even the worst part, The worst part is Zayn's coming. I don't want him here. I don't want him anywhere near me. Ok, So maybe that's a lie, Part of me does want him here. I can deny all I want, I can pretend like I don't give a shit about him, But I do, I really do. I can't forget what happened between us anymore then I can forget my feelings for him. Whenever I think of our kiss my lips tingle in delight. I'm inlove with him, No matter what I do, No matter how far away we are, It won't change. 

"Niall will you please bring some cups out and lay them on the table where the drinks are?" My mum yelled from the garden, I rolled my eyes before picking up the pack of plastic cups she bought. 

"I thought you said this was gonna be a small thing" I commented when I walked outside. 

"It is small, Just some friends and family" She replied.

"Mum there's enough food and drink here to feed a whole country" I exclaimed.

"You know how much our family love food" My mum said, I nodded my head in agreement. 

"Niall? Maura? You out here?" I heard Cher's voice, I looked up to see her walking into the garden. 

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"I asked if she could come over and help us prepare for everything" My mum informed me.

"Plus I wanted to be the first to hug the birthday boy! Come here you!" Cher stated I chuckled as he pulled me into a tight hug. "Happy birthday gorgeous" She said. 

"Thanks babe" I replied. 

"Zayn still coming?" Cher whispered into my ear, I sighed before nodding my head, Cher took a deep breath. "Don't worry about him. Just stick with us" That's easier said then done. 

When Trisha and Zayn arrived at the barbecue you'd have to be blind not to notice the tension between us. Trisha pulled me into a tight hug wishing me a happy birthday. She questioned why I don't come over anymore, I simply replied with schools getting busier now. When Zayn and I hugged awkwardly she looked at the both of us with confusion in her eyes. I excused myself straight away and went out into the garden. I joined Louis, Liam and Cher, When Zayn walked outside he did nothing but stare at me. I kept as far away from him as I could trying to avoid his gaze. I sighed when I saw Trisha hand a present to Zayn, He then approached me with it in his hands. 

"Erm this is from my mum and me" Zayn said as he handed me the present, I smiled slightly.

"Thanks" I mumbled before slowly opening the present. 

"If you don't like it we can just take it back" He mumbled, I smiled slightly.

"Nah, It's great. Thankyou" I said, Zayn smiled weakly.

"Niall, Can we talk? Please?" Zayn asked, I shook my head. 

"No. No we can't" I whispered.

"Niall please. Five minutes that's all I'm asking" I shook my head.

"He dosen't wanna talk to you so back off" Cher stated.

"He's my bestfriend Cher, You don't have a say in this" Zayn said. 

"You remember he's your bestfriend now? How about when he really needed you Zayn?" Louis spat, Zayn looked down. 

"Niall please" He pleaded, I looked up to see Harry and Jay walking into the garden, I smiled at them.

"We have no reason to talk. I've said everything I want to" I said before pushing past him. I walked over to Harry and Jay with a small smile on my face. 

"Happy birthday sunshine" Harry stated happily before pulling me into a hug, I laughed as we pulled away, Jay smiled at me.

"Thanks for the invite Niall. Happy birthday mate" He said before kissing my cheek softly, He then pulled me into a tight hug. I watched on as Zayn's eyes filled with pure hate. 

"Thought he wasn't your boyfriend" Zayn's voice filled my ears, I quickly turned around to watch him enter my bedroom.

"Get out" I stated, Zayn shook his head while closing the door. 

"I just wanna talk to you" He said calmly. 

"Well I don't wanna talk to you" I replied, I went to leave the room but Zayn grabbed hold of my arm.

"Niall please. I'm sorry alright" Zayn exclaimed.

"I don't wanna hear it" I said. 

"You know your such a hypocrite Niall" I raised my eyebrow. "You've lied to me Niall. You told me he wasn't your boyfriend, Yet your flaunting him right infront of my fucking face!" Zayn spat. 

"Flaunting him? How am I flaunting him?" 

"You let him kiss you right infront of me!" Zayn exclaimed.

"He kissed my cheek! Anyway why do you care?!" I yelled.

"Because, Because, I don't, I don't know" Zayn chocked out, His eyes filled with tears, At that moment I wanted to pull him close, But I didn't. "I can't stop thinking about you Niall. I can't get what we did out my mind. Everytime I kiss Demi all I can think of is you! I don't understand it Niall!" He exclaimed, I sighed before placing my hand on his shoulder, Zayn looked up at me before quickly pressing his lips against mine, I allowed him to kiss me for a moment before pushing his body away. 

"No! Zayn no alright! I won't let this happen ok? I feel sorry for you Zayn, I really do feel sorry for you. If you won't admit who you are you'll always feel like this. I can't and I won't let you drag me down with you Zayn. I love you, I still love you, Chances are I probably always will" Zayn looked up at me. "I'm not scared to admit that anymore Zayn, But I can't let you drag me down anymore. Please Zayn, If you care about me even the smallest bit, Just stay away from me" I exclaimed before rushing out the room.

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