chapter 9

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The legion zombie still looked the same.Huge and strong but I know that I will be able to kill it this time.I summoned my own legion zombie to fight it.I am still not able to fight it on my own.

My legion zombie went towards it.When I am battling I sometimes feel excited and scared at the same time.

Its very weird.i used blood burst to manipulate the blood from the zombies which were killed and made the blood support my legion zombie to attack the enemy one.

The blood came from behind the enemy one.The blood touched it and vaporized a part of its body.That distracted it enough for my legion zombie to grab its head.

It slammed the legion zombies's head down onto the ground.The legion zombie tackled mine down together with it and put it in some kind of lock.Now both of them could not move so I got closer and used blood burst.Blood came down like rain.It looked beautiful and horrifying at the same time.

Even though I tried not to hit my legion zombie with the blood. I could not control it properly so some of it went to my one and did damage.After the blood rain stopped there was only half of the enemy legion zombie's body left.

It was still barely alive.I used blood burst again so it would properly kill it.Now there was nothing left of it.I unsumoned all my zombies.There were lots of msgs which Gaia sent but I ignored them cause I was very focused on killing the legion zombie.

The experience gotten for killing all of them is 80000

Gained 2 lvl ups.All of your questions except for some can now be answered.

What am I?

You are a ghoul which was accidentally created by me.You were actually supposed to be only human.As a apology and to make it easier for you to live I gave u the ancient power which could only be used by very few people.

The power of the gamer.I used to have that power but I sacrificed it for something which do not want to tell you yet.Even if I do you will not understand it with your current power level.You are also of the uzumaki clan.That is from your mothers side.

There were some unexpected occurrences so it fused with your ghoul ability.It made it so that you can only find about your clan once you know about the fact your a ghoul.The fusion caused some interesting changes to your abilities you will find that out later

I don't understand what's a ghoul.

A ghoul is a carnivorous ancient race which once existed in many numbers.But they have now faded into the state of near extinction.

There are many differences of ghouls and humans but it is hard to distinguish unless the ghouls show the difference by using their abilities.

Which is there kagune and ability to regenerate limbs(some can regenerate any part of their body as long as one drop of blood is there) Ghouls all have kakugans but some are unique.The unique ones can be used to use genjutsu and other abilities.Normal ones can't do anything.

Why do people hate me.......

It is because you were the originally intended jinchūriki of the kyuubi(nine tails)  but when minato wanted to seal the kyuubi onto you.

You were not where he kept you.cause it was at that moment my mistake the nine tailed beast was sealed into your sister for reasons I don't know why but he made the seal invisible.cause of my mistake you were teleported into another dimension where there was a huge strand of ghoul DNA looking for a host.

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