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*Blair's P.V.O*

The sound of Niall coming out from the toilet awoke me from my slumber. "Hey, Blair. Are you okay?" He asked rushing across the room to be by my side. "My arm still wrecks." I groaned. "Here, you haven't eaten for days now. Just have a little bit." Niall offered me a slice of toast that he took from a tray at the foot of the bed. I had to admit, I was a little hungry. I bit into the buttery goodness, but only to find myself throwing it all back up. Niall must have noticed before hand. He grabbed a sick bowl that was aimlessly laying by my bedside table until now. He let me take the sick bowl whilst he held my hair back with one hand and rubbed my back with the other. "Shh. Don't worry. It's okay" He whispered. When I was finished, he pulled out a tissue and a piece of gum. I wiped my mouth and stuck the gum in while he disposed of the now filled sick bowl.

"When did you start cutting?" Niall plucked up the courage to ask. We were in the exact same position we slept in. I couldn't really move because I was having a blood transfusion. The gang didn't come today as they needed to go to an interview. Everyone understood that no matter how much they pleaded Niall to go, he just wouldn't budge. "When my parents left." I replied, emotionless. When I was 14, my parents left me,my brother and sister and moved to....... Well we really don't know where. We lost all contact. It killed me inside. They were literally my best friends. I blamed myself. "So about five years ago?" Niall added. I sat up so my back was now against the pillows. "What actually happened, Niall. Like, when you found me." I asked out of curiosity. It was a very touchy something. One word could break me. But I wanted to know.

He told me. Everything. From how he rang Liam, then he found me. When the paramedics came and I started slipping in and out of consciousness and waiting for me to wake up. I pecked him on his moist lips. "Thank you." I smiled. "For what?" Confusion struck his face. "For being so brave. You thought that this whole thing was your fault, yet you stayed by my side this entire time." His confusion had disappeared and was replaced with desire.

Both of us leant in. He started sucking my bottom lip while my hands tousled his hair. Both our tongues maneuvered into each others mouth. They explored for a while before Niall moved to my neck, giving me love bites and occasionally nibbling my ear lobe. "I love you, Nialler." I panted. I took over and kissed his neck instead. "I love you too, B." He spoke, breathless. "Ahem!" An unknown voice called. Blocking the way of the door was the other four members of One Direction, which I were facing away from. "Oh..." I got off from on top of Niall. "I can see Niall is fine now." Zayn joked as he took a chair and brought it over to my bedside. All six of you burst out laughing, while Niall's cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

I was in mid sentence when the doctor came into the room along with a nurse, also male. While the nurse changed my bandage, the doctor assessed my overall health. One point, I had to take my top off so your doctor could place the stethoscope on my chest, revealing my bra. I swear I saw Niall get a boner. It only got bigger when you had to lean forward so he could place it on your back, letting gravity take over.

"So, how do you feel Blair?" The doctor asked, trying to act professional. "I feel better, just a little tired to be honest." "On a scale of one to ten, how much pain are you in?" He asked. "A four." I replied, truthfully. "Well, in that case you are free to go home. As long as you take some pain relief and you don't strain your arm, you should be fine. I'll bring the forms in in a minute." He got up from the foot of the bed and left the room. "I can go home." I repeated in disbelief. All the boys ran over to me and congratulated me by embracing me until my doctor reappeared with some forms and the pain relief in his hands. I filled them out while Niall packed up my things. I was finally going home.


Sorry I took so long to update it's cause
Iv had like exams and all that! also I didn't know what to name the chapter :/ any suggestions?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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