I'll Go With It...

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Chapter One

Another day at work. The thrill just thinking about it was undeniable, not. One of the first things you should know about me is that sarcasm is one of my best friends.

Music blasted through my ears as I sat on the bus on the way to town. It was full of kids yearning to get home after the long school day, so earphones were essential to drown out their annoying murmurs. I'd learnt the hard way that you just had to ignore them. With my short red hair I'd just managed to scrape back into a pony tail, black pumps and unflattering black trousers I was ready to serve customers.

I worked at an arena in town. It was the Nottingham's biggest music venue and ice centre. Artists from all over the world came to perform on the stage that fit up to ten thousand screaming fans. Tonight it was the turn of Bruno Mars, a sell out show. It probably sounds like a cool job when I describe it like that, and in some ways it is. But half the time I'm stood behind a till pressing buttons and pouring drinks, the other half I'm up in the hospitality suites serving the other half with fancy wines and beers. The one thing I liked the most about my job was that there is always something going on, whether it was hearing artists perform, chatting to colleagues and customers or frantically rushing around serving customers during the intermission. It was a job, and in the current climate that was something.

For another fifteen minutes I battled the bus, finally stepping off into the cold British winter air. Glancing at the time on my phone I was pleased to see I was early. I had at least ten minutes until I needed to start walking from the town centre to the venue. To occupy the time I made my way to Boots just to see if they had any new make-up products that caught my eye. I’d only just got into make-up properly within the last year, and now given any opportunity I would happily shop for more, it was one of those things you could never have enough of.

In the end I only ended up buying a packet of chewing gum, they were a lifesaver at work and I hated going without any. Popping one in my mouth I left the large shopping centre and made my way down the familiar streets to work. It wasn’t too far way, maybe a five/ten minute walk to get there, although the roads were long and it was dark due to the long winter nights. Cars whizzed past me in their desperate rush to get home after work. I was always going to work just as everyone else was finishing.

The familiar building of the arena came into view and I sighed kind of wishing I was back home, curled up on the sofa watching some trashy TV that was only hilarious due to it’s utter stupidity. The automatic doors welcomed me and I was greeted by the warmth of the building. My fingers which had momentarily gone numb due to being so cold began to get some feeling in them again.

I tucked a stray strand of hair back behind my ear and I walked downstairs to sign in. The ice skating rink was full of teenagers and children wobbling around rather ungracefully, while cheesy pop anthems vibrated from the speakers. Rolling my eyes I pushed the door with ‘Staff’ printed boldly on it and made my way to Alex to sign in, waving at a few familiar faces of colleagues in the process.

“Hi Cara” Alex greeted me cheerfully, scanning my name on the sign in sheet in the process. Alex Richardson was funny and one of the first people I worked with when I got the job a few months ago. “Hello” I smiled in return even though I wasn’t really in a work mood tonight. “You’re up in hospitality tonight” he informed me and I smiled once more, although this time it was genuine. I preferred being up there than on a till, it was a lot more relaxed and you could even watch the artists perform. Hopefully tonight I would be able to catch a glimpse of the cheeky chap that is Bruno Mars. “Great” I replied grabbing a black shirt, apron and paper wristband we had to wear during every shift.

I made my way back to the ice arena briefly to nip to the toilets to change into the shirt and apron. Surprisingly it was empty which meant I didn’t have to make any awkward eye contact with anyone.

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