Chapter 6

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A/n: Happy holidays, guys! Thank you for the support (like seriously, my heart just gets warm when someone puts this in their reading lists) and everything! The holidays won't stop me from posting on my deadlines. Speaking of holidays, If you guys want I'll have a very short Q&A segment to celebrate (but if you don't want then I won't make it). Any who, I hope you'll like this chapter! Adios *winks*



Reference for attempted (ATTEMPTED!) rape, death and swearing.


Summer nights in the outskirts of Tokyo were reletively peaceful, the moonlight lit up the barren streets of the city and the stars twinkled playfully in the sky, the surrounding houses silent and peaceful with all of their lights turned off, signifying the occupant's rest. But the Kuroko household's lights were all opened and shadows moved around within the house, curtesy of one panicked Tsunayoshi Sawada. He walked around the living room frantically, worried for Kuroko as the other three occupants of the house sat on the couches, watching Tsuna panic.

"Where is he? it's nearly midnight" Tsuna mutters, panicking as his intuition blared at him from within his brain that something was wrong. He looks up at the wall clock, worrily taking note of the time '11: 45 pm'

"Calm down, Juudaime. Your bp will rise again" Gokudera says, standing up from his seat and approaching the young boss, leading Tsuna to the couch where he was sitting previously. Tsuna lets the silverette lead him to the couch, bringing his hand up to massage his temples as he heaved a sigh, looking as if he aged 10 years. Yamamoto stands up from his seat and approaches the brunette, wrapping a comforting arm around Tsuna as he let out a bit of Rain flames, forcefully calm the young boss down.

"We need to look for him, he might be in danger" Tsuna says, now much calmer than a few minutes prior.

"You need to calm down first, Tsuna" Yamamoto coaxes, rubbing his boss' shoulder comfortingly.

"My Hyper Intuition is blarring. Something's happened to Tetsuya-kun and Kise-san" Tsuna continues, grabbing the other three's undesputed attention.

"If we're going out, we need a plan"Reborn interjects, standing up from his seat and approaching the three teenagers.

"We can't go out. We don't know the layout of Tokyo and plus we don't know where they went" Gokudera continues, thinking deeply. Tsuna interlaces his hands, resting his chin on his fingers.

"First off, we track down Kuroko's mobile" Reborn states as Tsuna took out his phone, scrolling through his contacts before he clicked on the contact he was looking for, placing the device by his ear. After a few rings the line gets picked up.

"Hello? Shoichi-kun?" He calls out, grabbing the attention of all the occupants of the house.

"Yes, Tsuna-kun? It's late, why are you calling?" Shoichi states, his voice sounding tired as he whispered, pressuming that his other family members were asleep.

"I need a favour. Can you track my friend's phone?" Tsuna asks, putting his phone on speaker so that the other three could hear the conversation.

"Hmm sure. What's his number?" Shoichi asks.

"XXXX-XXX-XXXX" Tsuna immediately answers

"Ok hold on" Shoichi answers, silence reigning the household as the light tapping of his keyboard sounded through the cellphone's speaker."It says that he's at a road in Oimachi, Shinagawa"

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