I've Got it HANDled

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"Wade, get over here now before you lose your other hand," Daredevil muttered. 

"Aw, come on Hornhead, you don't wanna join the fun?"  Deadpool danced around, waving the nub that remained of his right hand.  "I've got ten more guys to kill."

"Yeah?  Well we've already got the guns, so we really don't need to waste any more time."

"'Waste time'?  No way!  I'll be back in a jiffy!"  Deadpool jumped off of the bridge, landing on a car roof.  Ten mercenaries swarmed around him, and he sliced three of them with his sword.  He sheathed the sword and threw his body into a backflip off of the car, shooting three more with a single bullet through their heads.  He shot two more in the chest.  One lunged for him, but Deadpool slid between his legs and shot his rear, the bullet slicing its way through the man's insides. 

"God damn!" Deadpool shouted.  "Right up the ass!"

The last mercenary came from behind, shooting a bullet through the palm of Deadpool's remaining hand.  He turned around and snapped the mercenary's neck with his forearms.

Deadpool spun around to look at Daredevil. 

"Well, shit!" he shouted.  "You were right!"  He held up what remained of his left hand.  "Well I guess I can't jack off tonight!"

Spider-Man landed on the bridge, then released the webbing that he'd swung from. 

"All mercenaries are down," he informed Daredevil.  He glanced at Deadpool standing below the bridge.  "Damn it, Wade.  The other one, too?"

"Hey, Webhead!  Think you can stitch my hand back on again until it grows back?" Deadpool shouted, waving his stub.

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