chapter 1

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They walked through the doors to witness something new.

Ryan looked ahead of him, he saw a guy sitting by the stairs with his laptop it looked like it was deleting his project. A few feet next to the guy was a table with the cheerleading team. The music from their speaker was buffering and slowly shutting down.

Not to far from them was a guy who saw the vending machine was James. And next to the vending machine was the locker row. There was a beautiful girl standing by her locker struggling to open it. The lock didn't want to take in her fingerprint.

Ryan tapped on her shoulder and she looked at him and she dropped her books and she started to turn pink Ryan bend to pick up her books when she " its my fault the books fell" her voice said.

It was soft but not soft. He picked the books up and gave it to her.

"You need help" Ryan asked the girl.

"Yeah my locker lock isn't letting me in" she replied he then told her to put her finger on the lock he then used his powers and it then unlocked.

"Umm... thanks...I think" she said very cunfused

"My name is Ryan walker." He said to her with a smile on his face.

"Kira...Kira Smith" she replied

"That's a beautiful name" Ryan said

"Thanks...I'm surprised I didn't start mumbling yet." She said not knowing she said out loud

"Why would you mumbled." Ryan asked

"When I'm around cute guys I mumble alot or if I have a crush on the guy" she replied her eyes then turned big as she realized what she said and she put her hand on her mouth.

"So mainly you calling me cute." Ryan said

Kira nervously laughed

Ryan then started smiling and he then asked " can I get your number?"

She looked at him and took a book out and wrote her number on a page and gave him the piece of paper with her number on it.

"You better be online tonight." Ryan said with a smirk on his face and winked at her and left.

She felt her cheeks heating up and turning red.

After school
"That girl really seemed to like you" Harris said to Ryan. Mark than walked up the stairway "what  girl" he asked.

"Kira" Ryan said with a very dreamy voice.

" That girl that called him cute by accident." Spyder interrupted

"Well girls never call me cute by accident." Mark said looking at the three boys.

"That's because they never call you cute" Ryan replied with a bit of laughter in his voice.

" No...I meant that girls don't need to call me cute." Mark replied trying to sound brave.

Harris looked at the two boys and then screamed"not the time not the time."

They looked at him and all three asked at the same time" what now?"

His phoned started beeping louder Ryan then looked at the phone with his powers and they then activated the robot.

                                        Mech exicute
They arrived at the middle of the city. They than saw a giant monster with huge claws and huge horn and a bigger pair of horns.

They then punched the robot it flew right across the town and it stopped a car.

The person opened the door and tried to run away before she could the poster grabbed her and threw her...

Ryan stretched out his arm and he took a look at who the person was a saw it was Kira.

He put her down gently.

"I'm gonna tramp her" Ryan said

"No you could reveal our identities and we barely know her." Harris said to the guy.

"Yes but she'll be safer that way." Ryan said looking at her

"Do it!!" Mark and Spyder said at the same time looking at the monster coming back to get her.

He tramped on her and she came up.

"You're the first person who didn't scream" Spyder said looking at the elevator.

She walked out of the elevator and saw who all was there.

"Why didn't you scream though?" Mark asked her

"Try living with 5 brothers who try throwing out a window everytime you sit and chat in the afternoon." She replied looking up.

They destroyed the monster and was back at the junkyard explaining everything to her.

"It's getting late I need to get home" Kira said looking at her watch.

"How...your car got destroyed in the fight remember." Spyder said to her with a confused expression on his face.

"I'll drop you all home" mark said

They were in front of Kira's house when she walked in she invited them in.

They looked to their left to see Seth Harper.


That it for this chapter hope you enjoyed

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