My turn to cry- m Chinese and English

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我还在拥抱着 在哭泣的你

那噩梦太清晰 下一秒我也就清醒

心有些叹息 打开窗写信

把月光幻想成 仿佛它也正在伤心


我不想让你Cry (Yeah 我)


离开我的心海 答应我 不要Cry

擦不完眼泪 让我难过

*爱离开 It’s My Turn To Cry 星星都在看


It’s My Turn To Cry 黑夜多璀璨

快关掉眼泪 This Time


心痛的是我 无法回到那时候



用手描绘着 试着画出你的脸

你害羞的笑脸 和迷幻的双眼


我离开了以后 别哭着Say Good Bye


爱离开 It’s My Turn To Cry 星星都在看


It’s My Turn To Cry 黑夜多璀璨

快关掉眼泪 This Time

(Oh你的眼泪 This Time Yeah)

我 (真的) 还 (舍不得) 在 (放弃) 爱 (我对你) 着 (那份爱) 你 (所以我才让你离去)

请 (擦去) 你 (的泪滴) 别 (还在) 再哭 (我心中) I’m Missing You

爱离开 It’s My Turn To Cry 星星都在看


It’s My Turn To Cry 黑夜多璀璨

快关掉眼泪 This Time

(请你别哭 Baby)

爱离开 It’s My Turn To Cry 星星都在看


It’s My Turn To Cry 黑夜多璀璨

快关掉眼泪 This Time

快关掉眼泪 This Time 快关掉眼泪 This Time 快关掉眼泪 This Time

还在爱你 Yeah 还在爱你 Woo

我爱你 我爱你 你别再哭 关掉眼泪


I am still hugging the crying you

That nightmare was too clear, in the next second I will also awaken

The heart has some sighs, opening the window and writing letters

Imagining the moon as if it is also hurting

Remember you are still here

I don’t want to let you cry (Yeah I)

I want to let you smile the most brilliant smile

Leave my heart, promise me not to cry

The tears that cannot be wiped away upset me

*Love leaves, it’s my turn to cry, all the stars are watching

The tears are about to become an ocean

It’s my turn to cry, the night is so bright

Turn off your tears this time

Our photos together are yellowing a bit

The one whose heart is hurting is me, unable to return to that time

Every night that I cannot fall asleep

The room after the lights are turned off

Using my hands to try and draw your face

Your shy smiling face and magical eyes

What am I supposed to do wanting to hug you so much

After I leave don’t cry, say good bye

Afterwards you can’t come to the crook of my arm

*Love leaves, it’s my turn to cry, all the stars are watching

The tears are about to become an ocean

It’s my turn to cry, the night is so bright

Turn off your tears this time

(Oh your tears this time yeah)

I (really) am (cannot bear to) still (let go of) in (that piece of affection) love with (I had towards you) you (so I let you go)

I plead (the wiped) you (tears) don’t (are still in) cry anymore (my heart) I’m missing you

*Love leaves, it’s my turn to cry, all the stars are watching

The tears are about to become an ocean

It’s my turn to cry, the night is so bright

Turn off your tears this time

(Please don’t cry baby )

*Love leaves, it’s my turn to cry, all the stars are watching

The tears are about to become an ocean

It’s my turn to cry, the night is so bright

Turn off your tears this time

Turn off your tears this time turn off your tears this time turn off your tears this time

I still love you yeah I still love you woo

love you I love you, don’t cry anymore, turn off your tears

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