moonlight-m Chinese and English

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Yeah Stop Stop 会淋湿你的翅膀 Oh Hoo Stop Stop

你不断悄悄地入侵 在我每一天的缝隙

放逐了黑色梦境 温柔将我唤醒

来不及关上窗 你远远地逃离


黑夜依然冷清 空气里失去你

So Baby Hold On 捨不得看着你

在我追不上的距离 担心你一个人孤寂



凝结成画 在我视线尽头


触摸不到的你 无法拥在臂弯里

即使闭上眼睛 再也梦不到的神秘

不知如何下笔 写完你的 Story

愈是想要靠近 愈痛苦的悲剧

爱难以抗拒 Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah

爱难以抗拒 Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah

我阻止自己 焦急地呼唤你

怕眼里月光 Babe 会淋湿你的翅膀

我每次对你说 你早已听不见

也许在他身边 有怎样喜悦 让你忘记所有危险

若你已经疲倦 让你的心歇一歇

只要你还在我心里 心痛的不只是你

雨过天晴是你的伪装 总是对我微笑是你的坚强

而脆弱的是你白色的肩膀 轻轻颤抖着悲伤 I’m Telling You

我的心是敞开的窗 你可以放下所有的安躺

拥抱直到天亮 跟着月幕下那光 你继续追寻明天的流浪 Yeah

Stop 会淋湿你的翅膀 Stop 会淋湿你的翅膀


Yeah, stop, stop.

your wing will get wet

oh oh, stop stop.

You approach me quietly as the night falls

Removing the darkness to wake me from my sleep

and leaving me through the open window.

Have you lost your way again, you, you, you.

The night air is still cold, get up

So, baby, hold on, I can’t leave you alone

I follow you from a distance.

You’re showered by a shower of starlight

I’ve never seen such an entrancing expression

I see you still like a picture.

At the end of the gaze

a place that cannot be touched

a place that cannot be held

the reflection on the surface is not her

it’s my sad story that cannot be fulfilled

the closer I get the stronger the pain will get.

just her… stop, stop, stop, stop, yeah

just her… stop, stop, stop, stop, yeah

I call out to you like this

don’t go closer, babe, your wing will get wet.

No matter how much I talk, you can’t hear me

You’re throwing yourself at him again,

why do you dream so dangerously.

(now stop tiring) you’re heart and let it rest.

My heart is shredded into pieces watching you.

You painfully smile toward me as if nothing has happened,

but your slender white shoulders start trembling, I’m telling you

You can come rest by me.

When dawn comes you can fly toward the moon, yeah

a place that cannot be touched

a place we cannot be together

It’s not you that flew to me when night fell

my sad story that cannot be fulfilled

the closer I get the stronger the pain will get (I swear I cannot stop loving)

just this one… stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, yeah (tonight)

just this one… stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, yeah (tonight)

I call out to you like this

don’t go far, babe, your wing will get wet.

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