chapter 5

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I woke up this morning to the birds churping in song and the sun shining through my curtains. As i crawled out of my bed my whole body felt like it was just getting out of an internal storm. And i had a headache from hell that was making my stomach quite upset. So i turned on my shower to as hot as it would go and plugged up the drain, so i could relax in the hot water. While running through all that has happened in the past twelve hours, there was a sudden knock on the door. Right before i could say anything Jake's voice came through the door announcing that breakfast is done. And man was my tummy grumbling loud and clear, im surprised he didn't hear it's little protest. As i finished up my bath i got fresh clothes on and braided my hair. While walking down the stairs i overheard my parents talking about lastnights comotion. I couldn't make out the word so i continued to the kitchen were i smelled fresh coffee already brewed and a delicious breakfast calling my name. While making my food jake sat down next to me in hope if conversation, but i just zoned him out cause listening just made my head hurt more. As i was about to push out my seat and take my plate to the sink he put his hand on mine and asked if i was feeling okay. I guess he noticed that i wasn't really listening to him the whole time he was speaking. I simply shook my head up and down as my response and got up out of my chair and rinsed of my dishes. After the awkward silence while washing my dishes he finally spoke. This asking where i went yesterday without telling anyone that i was leaving. I jist ignored him and walk to the back porch werr i have always went to think thing over. As i got myself comfortable on the swing , my dad came out the back door and sat with me. After a few seconds of awkward silence he broke the silence. By asking if i knew where his handgun is that was locked safely in it box. I didn't day anything to him ,i just dat there for several minutes and pondered on what to say. so i ended up just telling him exactly what i did yesterday, and he didn't say what i did was horrible , he just said that at least you know how to shoot a gun. As the day progressed, it seemed like the hours got longer and the day got darker in a way. While sitting on the couch watching some tv with jake he asked me again about last night. So i turned to him and ask just how far back into the forest did they search. He said that they did a 5 mile perimeter around the camp site and only found a lot of rubble from a cave callapseing. But what they never found was that hidden hatch, and i kept pondering wether i should tell him or not. This is so odd normally i cant just tell anybody a straight lie, but he is so different. Its like when i look him right in the face and try to tell him a lie it wont come out ,so i leave him with short truths that dont make things obvious. After telling him that i went for a drive to clear my thoughts i went up stairs and took a long hot shower. When i was done i felt nice and clean an relaxed. Since it was already  nine thirty at night i decided to just go ahead a get to bed. While pulling back the covers and laying myself on my bed ,i got situated and my last thought was what if that monster is still alive. What if the shot to his chest wasn't critical.

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