How everything went wrong

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Hey it's my first one shot!  If you're wondering why I explained everything thing it's because I wrote this for school.
       It was a busy day as I rushed to Arthur's chambers with his armor, for it was the big tournament tonight. I was just about there when I heard "Merlin! Where is my sword!" The passing servants gave me looks as I rushed to the room. Of course I knew were the sword was it was lying in plain sight, the lazy prat just couldn't open his eyes.
Once I dressed the prince in his armor we headed down to the court room where supper (lunch) was being held. Uther the king was already there, sitting at the head of the table. Just as Arthur sat down the lights went out and wizard, wearing robes and and evil smirk on his face, walked in. At that moment everyone froze, under the wizards spell. I froze too knowing that if I moved my secret would be known for everyone could still see.
"Emyrs" the wizard spoke, I held in a gasp, for that was my other name the one only other magical beings knew of. "I know you're here" he continued to speak while searching the room for movement. He drew out a dagger and headed toward the prince. "Well if you don't show yourself on your own I'll force you to." He knew I'd do anything to protect the prince, even share a secret that would get me killed, for magic was banned in Camelot.
     As he drew closer to Arthur I broke, "Astrice"  (meaning:I strike) I chanted quietly with eyes glowing, and quickly knocked him off his feet. With that the freezing spell came undone. "Seize them" Uther yelled. The guards rushed forward and dragged me to the dungeon. I knew this time there was no escaping the Camelot dungeons for Uther had directly seen me do magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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