chapter seven part I

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Just A Bet

creds to the amazing @80srichie on tumblr

I personally fucking love this fic so yeah

they are seniors in this okay!!!! that means they are 18 years old okay!!!!

summary: beverly bets richie he can't get with the new kid, eddie, in under three months. richie disagrees

pairing: reddie (richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak)


Everyone at Derry High School knew of the senior Richie Tozier. No matter who they were, what social group they were apart of, they all knew the trashmouth. Every girl swooned over him and every gay (and possibly 'not' gay) guy would beg for his number. He was the 'It' guy in his high school and even the other high schools in the Derry school district. It was common knowledge that Richie was bi. Some people said it was fake and that he said it for more attention, but his real friends knew it wasn't bullshit at all.

Richie strode into the school building that Monday morning, casually sliding off his sunglasses and hooking them in his shirt. People in the hallways snuck glances at him, some even saying hello to him politely as he passed. He nodded in response, flashing them a smile. Richie approached his locker and opened it with ease, getting his few textbooks out. Despite being a 'jock', he still cared about his grades.

"Hey, Rich, did you hear about the new kid?" Beverly asked casually, making her presence known. She leaned against the navy blue lockers, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I have not, what's so important about the new kid?" Richie asked, closing his locker. Beverly pushed herself up and started to walk down the hallway with him.

"Well, I have to give him the tour today. I saw him in the office. He's cute and gay." She chuckled, hooking her thumbs in the belt loops of her overalls.

"Now, now, Bev. How do you know this poor guy is gay?" Richie asked, shoving his hands in his jean pockets.

"He's wearing the shortest pair of shorts I've ever seen, Richie. I'm serious they're shorter than some of the ones the girls here wear."

Richie scoffed. "Don't make assumptions, Marsh. Do I look gay to you?"

Beverly stopped him from walking and narrowed her eyes at him, pretending to study him. "Yes."

Richie rolled his eyes, shoving her off of him playfully. "Fuck off." His tone sounded mad, but the smile on his face said otherwise.

The two arrived into their first period of the day, English. Beverly sat in the seat across from Richie, Stan and Bill joining them mere moments later. Beverly was mentioning to the other two guys about the new kid when she gasped quietly. "Richie, I have a bet for you."

"Oh, do you?" Richie asked, glancing up at her through his glasses.

"I bet you can't with the new kid and sleep with him in under three months."

She said, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. She had a smug smile plastered on her face.

Richie narrowed his eyes at her. "And what do I get if I do?"

"The satisfaction of completing a bet and keeping your 'never says no to a bet' reputation." She responded, smirking.

Richie huffed, leaning back in his chair. "Fine. If I do, however, you have to make out with Bill."

"Hey, I didn't agree to th-that." Bill frowned.

"Who said you had a choice, Big Bill?" Richie grinned.

richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now