can an apple seed ever become any thing other than an Apple tree? No, if you plant an apple seed you will grow an apple tree, you can never get an orange tree out of an apple seed. So Is the case with a person and their Destiny. We are the seeds that become the tree, the life cycle of the tree is our Destiny. When we are toddlers, and children we play and discover the world around us all the while displaying characteristics of what kind of seed we are . Afterwards, there comes a time when we begin to aspire to accomplish certain feats in life. This is when we dream, and envision our lives, also when discover what kind of seed we are. there is much hope and joy when we discover our self. those who truly discover what they are always those who are confident to declare what we will become with certainty, it is said that rapper Kanye West a producer at the time said that he would become the next Michael Jackson. what he declared was his stardom which is the Tree because he discerned his seed and knew. what happened next is that everything he worked for he became part of the growing phase in his life cycle until he reached his destiny. If you are a the growing phase of your life cycle don't get discouraged. If you discerned what kind of seed you are and declared it every thing in the universe will accomadate you in order to fulfil your Destiny . this is the Law of our Universe. An apple seed can only become an apple seed. This does not mean that you won't meet resistance. this the sowing phase when you water your seed with real evidence that you will sprout then you sprout and you have to come up despite certain threatening conditions like rainstorms. and then you grow and grow until you reach your full potential and bare fruit, and giving forth other seed. " in the name of Christ declare and decree that you will reach your full potential and the universe will bend and conspire in your favor" Amen