Chapter 2

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The ride was just with Trice blasting music in the car and us playing rap battles.

We finally arrive at the store and boy am I happy. I dash out the car and to the store. I could hear fists of laughter echoing and already I know its Trice.

I play no mind at the fact that I'm maybe looking stupid right now.

I head straight to the candy section and pout like a little lost puppy at the delicious candy.

"Seriously Tye?" Trice says looking amused.

"Yes , I love candy" I pout .

"Let's go " hr laughs.

"Trice I -" he pulls me by my wrist to the alcohol section.

"Oh here they are" the ass sighs.

" Trice for real."


I watch as he fills the cart to the brim with alcohol and a whole 2 other carts.

We get to the cashier and as soon as she lays eyes on Trice it's as if ' Love at first sight.' He gives her his fake ID , just cause he's 16 and not 18 and the cashier takes it her eyes glued to him. We pay for it and I get ready leave when I see the two flirting.

I shake my head at the girl. Poor hoe, if only she knew she'd just be a one night stander.

At that moment my phone rings and the sing ' Ouuu' by young M.A comes on.

It's Mieah .

"Yes Mieah."

" Trice is having a huge party tonight!" She screams.

"I know. I know. I'm practically at shopping with him . Well right now he's actually flirting with the cashier so yea."

"Oh well bye" she says sadly and hangs the phone up.

You see Mieah has been my best friend since 1st grade and we've been inseparable. Mieah is very pretty if you ask me. She has a pair of green , bright eyes, and below shoulder length curly , dark red hair and a slender but rocking body. She is 5'6 so if you ask , she is tall. She could even be a model. She is very pretty and has a very good heart.

Since 7th grade Mieah has had a humongous crush on my brother. She tried getting him out her system by dating other guys, but she just couldn't. My brother is very unaware of it since he is one of the populars a.k.a Fuckboy  and a jock. I remember the nights when she came to my house crying her eyes out cause my brother either slept with a girl or did something inappropriate with a hoe, and we would lay on my bed watching a set of romance movies and eating ice cream til we fell asleep.

So when she hears stuff like that it just breaks her. She once said that she thinks she loves him but she just doesn't know if it's infatuation.

Angry, I stomp to Trice.

"Sorry hoe he has to go. Next time put a leash  on your cunt cause no dick ain't wanna go in something like that."

I drag him out with the carts in his hand.

He loads everything in the car and enters the car when he's done and speeds down the road.

I plug my earplugs in my ears and blast the song ' Bodak Yellow' by Cardi B.

"Tye" I hear Trice call out to me but I just ignore.

"Tye" he calls out again. I ignore.

"Tye" he calls out again feeling frustrated. I could tell. I ignore.

He then pulls the earplugs out my ears and I multi colour him with a blast of curses.

We start quarreling and next thing I know is my blood boiling.

"What's your problem?!"

"Seriously !! You fucking flirt with every girl you see and pretty soon your dick is gonna rot!!!!"

"So what's wrong with that?!!"

"You ass sorry if I was concern about my brothers dick rotting cause pretty soon I'm sure you gonna get an STD!!!"

"What's your fucking problem Tye!!??" This was the first time he yelled at me this loud.

Tears were forming in my eyes.

But I won't allow them to fall.

I'm not weak .

"You don't see the sage you're causing !! You think it's good fucking girls and them forgetting bout them !! It's not!! I mean some of these hoes deserve it but at the same time I worry that you might get an STD or something !!  I guess it's wrong caring for ma bro !! I'm afraid that sometime soon your dick will rot and you will die from aids Trice . I don't want you to fucking die!! Is that so freaking hard to get ?!!;"  I was on the verge of crying.

I looked out the window not wanting to face him and that's when I realise that we're parked infront our house.

"Tye I'm -" I walk out the car not wanting to hear his voice.

I enter the house filled with drinks, alcohol etc. You name it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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