Way Back When *Naruto Fanfic* [Minato/Kushina Living]

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Yo You guys are probably confused right now.. But I will not continue the current timeline right now, since I am waiting for people to make the Oc's because I want you guys to also contribute. (FOR THE BOOK DO IT FOR THE BOOK PLZZZZZZ) This is just a fun side story :D For my free time

But, as you see in the title, Tsuki travels in time! You know when Minato and Kushina are alive.. AKA When Itachi is like 2 years old. Also, Tsuki will be disguised as a slightly older person, 21 years old... Yea 21 and also she will disguise her.. (((((21 FOREVER))))) Current look. She will be more smart and calmer... I WISH SHE WAS LIKE THIS FROM THE BEGINNING!! But oh well.. She will just change her hair color to black. Also, her skin is a little tanner. A LITTLE. And changed her name tooooooooooooooooooooo Yoruichi. No hates, I just love Yoruichi.

[[[[[ IMPORTANT: Dedicated to @Angelsarecute [[others will be in future chapters]]]]]

You like the OMAKE's?


Prologue || Way Back When *Minato/Kushina Living*

I scratched my head. "How in the world did I get here.." I mumbled looking around confused. I jumped onto the tree checking my surroundings.

'I don't want to be to noticeable..." I mumbled and hopped down the tree. "Henge!"


I didn't do anything to drastic, just changed my age.. And hair.. Yea.. And I now wore a black kimono with purple flower petals with a dark purple obi. Pretty simple..

I then started to walk on this rather used path, probably used by travelors and most likely ninjas. I walked along the path for a few minutes but I enjoyed the peacefulness for awhile, 'till I stumbled upon the familiar large gate. 'Hakuru? Roku? Can you here me?' I thought telepathy. The wind quickened up. 'What is it Tsuki-chan?" Hakuru asked. 'What.. Happened to you?' Roku asked confused. I tilted my head. 'A henge' I answered. They 'hmmed'. I noticed that Kotetsu and Izumu weren't in front of the gate, which really confused me. I walked up to the new gate guards and handed them my passport.

"Here you go.." I said.

They examined the passport and nodded their heads. "You may go..." A brown haired man said. I nodded and smiled slightly. "Thank you.. What are your name's, if I may ask.." I questioned. They looked at each other slightly then the black haired man shrugged. "Hagane Kometsu" The black haired man answered. I raised an eyebrow. 'His father? Strange... As far as I know.. His father was dead..' The brown haired man stepped up. "Kamizuki Ikuto" Now I was really confused, but I smiled and bowed. "Arigatou my name's Nakagawa Yoruichi, as you may already know.." They bowed their heads. "Nice to meet you Nakagawa-san" I nodded and started to walk in to the village.

I looked around and noticed how.. new everything was.. "Strange.." I mused. "Why does Konoha look so new?"


My question was answered when a young boy bumped into me. I was startled, but regained my footing with ease. Unfortunately for him he fell onto his behind. "Itai.." He moaned. I held out a hand. "Are you okay?" I asked concerned. "Ah! Oh sorry lady!" He apologized and took my hand. "It's okay boy.." I assured. I then started to examine him more. He had onyx eyes hidden behind some orange goggles. Black hair and wore blue and orange attire. He seemed very familiar.. I crouched to his height. "What's your name boy?" I questioned. He looked into my blue eyes. "My name's Uchiha Obito!" My eyes slightly widened then I smiled. I held out my hand again. "Well, hello Obito-kun, my name's Nakagawa Yoruichi.."

He smiled and took my hand, shaking it. "Nice to meet you too! AH CRAP I'M LATE!!" He then started to panic. I tilted my head. "Late for what?" I questioned. He gave me a hard stare. "Well Nakagawa-san.. Today's the day when I get on my team!" I frowned. "Really? That's very important.. I can help you Obito-kun.. Take my hand please.." I held out my hand once again. He took it again. And with the simple Ram sign and a little bit of chakra, we appeared in front of the Academy. Luckily, it wasn't to far away, so I didn't need to waste that much chakra.

Obito looked at me in awe. "You're a ninja!? Sugoi!!" He yelled in awe. I smirked. "Of course.. Don't you need to go to class now Obito-kun?" I teased. "GAH!! YOU'RE RIGHT!! SEE YOU LATER NAKAGAWA-SAN!!" He waved and ran towards the Academy entrance. Disappearing from my sight.

I looked in his direction with a smile. "Yeah see you later.."


I walked on the streets towards the Hokage Tower with a thoughtful expression. 'So I'm in the past? How did I get here?' I mused. I looked at the towering tower (?) over me and walked in to the entrance, looking around, then walking towards the lady behind the counter. "Hello, I would like to schedule an appointment with the Hokage, please?" I asked. The lady looked at her papers, flipping through the pages. "Tomorrow at 3:50 PM mam, why is the reason you want to talk to the Hokage? I suppose it's a mission?" She asked interested. I shook my head. "Not a mission mam, I just want to talk to him." She nodded. "So 3:50 PM is a good time tomorrow, right?" I nodded. "Alright then, please tell me your name." She asked, pen ready in her hand.

"My name is Nakagawa Yoruichi.." I answered. She nodded her head. "Nakagawa Yoruichi" She mumbled. "Alright Nakagawa-san, you will be here tomorrow at 3:50 PM." She said.

I nodded. "I understand.." And then I walked out from the entrance. I stretched and moaned. "Alright, that's settled now, better see what team Obito-kun is on now.." I mumbled, as I walked towards the Academy once again.

"Where am I going to live now? I won't have the same place.." I mused. I shrugged. 'All well, I'll just make a house.. No big deal..'


I heard the bell ring as I neared the Academy. I raised an eyebrow. "What timing" I mumbled. I blinked as a black and orange ball rammed into me again, as he fell onto his behind. My eye twitched, but then sighed and bended down to his height.

"Really Obito-kun watch where you are going.. You are going to get yourself hurt.." I scolded and helped him stand upright. "Haha gomen gomen.." He rubbed the back of his neck. I stared at him. "What team are you on Obito-kun?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm on Team 7! With Rin! And Kakashi.." He grumbled. I tilted my head in fake confusion. "Who?" I questioned. 'Haha Team 7? What a major coincidence'

"Oh yeah, you don't know them.." I shooke my head. "Of course not, Obito-kun"

"Well, Rin's name is Nohara Rin.." He had a light blush on his face. I pinched his face and cooed slightly. "Little Obito has a crush, how cute~" I teased. He scowled and swatted my hand away. I chuckled.

"And Kakashi.." He said with a spat. "Hatake Kakashi is his name, and he's a total bastard.." Mumbled Obito. I frowned. "That's not nice, Obito-kun.." I scolded lightly. He snorted. "Well, it's true, he thinks he's better than everyone, and he says things like he's a robot.. AND HE CALLED ME STUPID!" He shouted like that was unbelievable.

I frowned a bit. "That's a little childish Obito.. Kakashi-kun couldn't be that bad" I objected. He snorted again. "He is that bad!" He objected. I sighed in defeat. "So, who's your sensei?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

"His name is Minato.. He's not that bad.." Obito mumbled. I nodded. "So why are you in a hurry?" I questioned. "I need to train! Kakashi cheated in our fight!" Obito yelled. I gave him a blank stare. "Cheated?" I questioned, not believing him. He nodded vigourously. "Yeah!"

I raisedd an eyebrow. "Really? How?"

He opened his mouth. "Uhhhh........."

I sighed and smiled slightly. "So he beat you, basically."

His head fell. "Yeah.. That's why I'm going to train!! To get stronger!!" He yelled determined.

I smiled. "Yeah you do that Obito-kun.." I held up my hand. He smiled. "YEAH!" And we high-fived.


I chuckled. "What a cute kid..


SO HOW IS THIS SIDE STORY SO FAR? I hope its doing just fiiiiiiiine

I remember the day when I had first made this fanfiction of Naruto. And the progress I have made now is just making me tear up (': I lov you guys. Thank you for all the support! HAVE A NICE DAY!~

Way Back When *Naruto Fanfic* [Minato/Kushina Living] (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now