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Vance Rider: (M) 20

Travis Rider: (M) 18

Stevie Rider: (M) 18

Dylan Rider: (F) 18 ---------> Alex Rider: (M) 15

                                                 Dallas Rider: (F) 3

Jake Rider: (M) 17

Harper Rider: (M) 17

Kevin Rider: (M) 17

Eva Rider:(F) 17

Dylan ran away when her mother died and all of her brothers' attetion went to Eva. The only peolpe who knew Dylan was gone was Vance and her farther. Dylan's farther was very upset when he found out that his princess (Dylan's nick name) was missing. He sent some of his pack out looking for her. Word got out that Alpha Rider's daughter was missing.

When Alpha Rider's wolves came back and told they couldn't find her, he told them thank you for looking, and went to his office, and hardly ever talked to the rest of this children.

Vance had over heard what his farther and the men said about them not being able to find his loveing little sister, so he ran away from home to the pack next door. He changed his last name but never forgot his little sister.

Dylan had ran way at the age of 2, a month before her 3rd birthday.

On her 3rd birthday, Dylan turned into a rare spirt wolf. The colour of her fur is pure black, with an Alpha mark on her back left leg. The Alpha mark is white. Her eyes are eletric blue but changes black when she is pissed off.

The Alpha mark shows other wolves that Dylan is the top wolf, The Queen.

Also on her 3rd birthday she knew all of her powers, she even knew that she is the Queen.

Two days after her birthday, she got raped by a rouge. She was weak from fighting a few rouges just before, so at the time, she didn't care because she was in to much pain.

Two months before her 4th birthday, she gave birth to Alex.

Life conutied, but it was hard.

Dylan learnt how to use different guns, swords, bows & arrows, you name it, she had mastered it before she was 5. She even learnt how to drive.

Dylan is known around America for street fighting/dancing/racing, the skateboareder world champ. She is evevn in the Army. She is now the one in charge? the commander.

At the age of 15, Dylan gave birth to Dallas. They moved from place to place with their cars (A/N: She has all of the cars from transformers, also a black mustang and a black bike.) Dylan had tought Alex how to drive when he was 10.

When Dylan and her little family move back to Dylan's home town, Jacksonvile, things start to look up for the little family, as Dylan re-unties with her brothers', sister, her dad, and her best-friends, Lucia and Dante. Dylan also meets her mate, who is in her sisters' mate pack. So for Alex and Dallas, they finally get to meet their uncles', anuties, their mums' best-friends, their grandfather, and their new dad?

Dylan wishes for her mate to be hot, funny, has a good sense of humor and is smart, and it's exactally what she gets, but what if he was a jerk as well?

Will he change just for her or will he stay the same?

This is Dylan Rider's Story.....

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