Sup Homies!!! *waves like a manic* Well my old profile was so boring i got sick of it and i'm redoing it! My new nickname's CC (don't ask my friend came up with it) anyhoo...

Things I like:
Things I hate:
Miley Cyrus
Short Skirts
Bitches/Skanks/Wanna be Sluts, plenty at school too
School Unifoms (bleh)
Things i love:
My Friends
Trying to somehow get to Hogwarts (i wanna turn Malfoy into a Farret =D )
and just plain old being werid with my friends :) yes i know its sounds really cheesey but that's just me :)

My favs:
Fav. Animals: Wolves, Big Cats, Dragons.
Fav. Colors: Black, Dark Purple, Dark Green, and Red (Depends on my mood really)
Fav. Food: Foods' food
Fav. Candy: Chocolate Frog
Fav. Artist/Bands: Evanescence, Paramore, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Linkin Park, Green Day, Bruno Mars, and more just can't think of any right now =P
Fav. Hobby: Netball, Taekwondo (if you don't what it is look it up there are people WAY better than me but i do my best) and most of all hanging with my BFFL'S!!!!
Fav. Movie/s: PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT!!!! (it's a REALLY funny movie, based in Australia)

Well let me tell you a little about my personallity. I'm random, short tempered, and I don't give a shit what people think. If you dare mess with my friends, i'll go off on you. I'm very over protective of my friends. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself. I'm kind of a loner but still has a group of friends. I like to day dream ALOT so I zone out alot. I am really werid and crazy when im with friends. Sometimes i'm really cheesey and use lines from moviesThere is a platfom 9 3/4 in Wellington and yes i have tried to go to Hogwarts, but i fail every time. (were's the Welseys' flying car when yu need it most?) Anyhoo.. can anyone tell how to do 'Stupefy'? I just can't seem to do and does ayone know how to 'Expelliarmous'? I can't get th hang of it =( Well, that's me i'm a werid, crazy, random girl!!!
  • انضمJanuary 12, 2011

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