Rant + Annocement

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Okay so I have a few points I wanna rant on, along with the reveal of something I have been working on for the past year that will be associated with one of my points I'll put it in the end so it stands out it could have impact on some of you guys so please just read it


Okay so I'm a very reserved person and I don't like letting people in, in fear of getting screwed over, bear in mind that it stopped hurting at this point, but it still pisses me when people do it I had 2 really, close friends, where I live now and they were the first people I really opened up to and at this point I was still embarrassed about my past (I'll get in to that later) and they didn't seem to mind it as much as I thought they would

My guy friend let's call him Andy (Not his actual name) he was the first person I connected to, the first person where my anxiety seemed to go away, I thought I was in love with him when in reality my brain only told me that because he made my anxiety go away and a few years ago I met this really great guy who made me feel loved and I told Andy about him and the first thing he did was look at me like I'd gone insane before not talking to me for a few days later when I'd gotten in to an argument with this guy (It was like he knew what happened) I trusted Andy with my life if he said jump I'd jump he just kept saying that this guy wasn't worth it and I believed him (I later found out that this guy had hit one of his exes so maybe it was a good thing that things didn't work out) anyways he went to what's basiclly is a bording school for 9th grade and he didn't tell me this until last school day (June) and he kept canceling our hangouts all summer this was the year where my mental health took a turn for the worse with me not going to school, I had internal debates with my self of whaeater or not I should text him and ask for him to come over always deciding against it.

But in December my mom wrote to him asking if he'd come over and the next day he did, this was the first time in 2 and a half months I had gone outside in daylight. Fast forward to July 8th where he straight out bullied me with my anxiety, the last he was there I'd been in a really bad mood and kept having smaller panic attacks and he kept teasing me by squirting water on me even when I said stop it ended with me going to my room watching Youtube on my computer with my cover pulled up to my chin feeling like I was gonna cry 20 minutes later he came back in, didn't say anything he just lied down next to me and started cuddling me (That was normal to us) I was pissed and didn't really want to talk to him atleast not until he said sorry (He held me down causing an anxiety attack) he kept trying to make me talk to him or atleast get a reaction out of me by kissing my shoulder (What?!?!?!) poking my side, or getting me straddle him (I'm a small person) I kept ignoring him, back to the 8th where he, as I said, straight out bullied me telling me I never go out, that I would never get a boyfriend or a job, a life in genreal after having chewed on this for 6 days before I wrote to him and told him how much it hurt me, he didn't answer, the next day I got hammered (I got drunk) something that I normally wouldn't do, a month later I wrote to him again seeing he still hadn't answered and I wnet off on him, the next day he answered and makes it seem like I had blown it all out of context (Which I hadn't) and I forgave him he came by a few more times.

And it wasn't until the last time that I realized that he was never my friend I was never more than a charity case to him which hurt me that hurt me beyond anything he had used me at my most vulnerable to make himself look good, at this point I refuse to text him or even talk to him and for some reason he looks like I killed his puppy when I walk past him (I either go in another lane to show that I don't wanna talk to someone or I'll stay in the same lane and walk past them without a word, in this case, the latter) If he ever text me I'll tell him to fuck off because I'm done being used as a charity case


My female friend let's call her Amanda (Again not her real name) she has screwed me over time and time again one time she dragged me on her social media just to get attention, I had put up a picture saying 'Day by day I'm slowly falling apart' With a caption explaining my mental condition an how I was bullied as a child (People would laugh and call me names) and she thought it was about her (Because she did it behind my back but I didn't know that at the time) I wrote to her asking what the hell I did to get the treatent she was giving me,she basically told me that I started it and that I ended the friendship (She did I just stopped waiting for her to answer) and someone I used to be friends with (Even when everyone said I shouldn't) wrote to me dragging me as well causing a major panic attack so I went in to my mom and showed her what had happened, not because I was hurt but because I was pissed, but once again I forgave her

And around the same time I wrote to Andy, she stopped responding I still don't know why she had asked me if I wanted to go with her to get her eyebrows done, being the great friend that I am I said yes now I forgot the time because I had so much to think about at that time, so I texted her asking about the time, she didn't answer, the next day (The same day as she asked me to go with her) I text her again saying that if she wanted to cancel it was okay, again no answer, the next day I text her saying that the least she could have done was cancel and that I wasn't mad just hurt, and I let it sit for a few days before giving up, unfriending her and unfollowing her to get my message across, eventurally she unfollowed me as well the other girl still follows me (I do every once in a while put something up to piss her off if she wanna acuse me of being a bitch to her I will be I really stopped caring)


Okay so backstory first, on the 28th of October 2008 at 10:42pm (I was 7) I was raped for the first time by my foster dad, he did it several times after I stopped counting past 40 and that's really all you need to know cause it doens't really matter, anyways I put up a picture on Instagram captioned '9 years later and it still feels like the first time all over again' and this douche bag commented I'll put the comment along with my response underneath here and this is the first time I stood up for myself and this motivated me to do something I'll get to in a minute right now I'll let you read the comments and I'll tell you about the other thing after

Bold = Douche bag Normal = Me

Fucking grow up it was nine years clean that shit out 9 years are you 10 now

Do you know what it's like?? No didn't think so... so why don't you get a life and start looking past your own nose to see the world around you instead of trying to take down victims who had no control over the fact that they are victims who are so used to idiots like you that it's just gonna go in one ear out the other

why didn't you just jump. B

What are you 5? I'm not gonna break because of an idiot like you so you can go and hate on me all you want.. Meanwhile I'll be here living my life all the while you're sitting behind a screen trying to feel powerful when in reality it makes you the weakest of all. So get the fuck off my page and get a fucking life

Assaulted Angels

I am tired of having to listen to people telling victims that we asked for it, that we have to grow up or that we deserved it, cause we didn't, no one does, did or will, and the problem with most sexual assault, violence and rape organisations is that everyone has access and that alone keeps victims from going forward, because everyone can go and say hurtful things, so for that reason I decided to start 'Assaulted Angels' a free place for victims to share their story without the fear of hurtful comments and messages, a place where victims aren't victims but equals we all know what it feels like and we are going to work through it together

Here's how it's going to work:

-You send a DM to the Instagram profile 'assaualted_angels' explaining why you want in small bit of your story or the full story

-If you allow me to share your story it can be done anonymously unless you won't mind the other members of the group knowing your name

-Anything hurtful, offensive or rude to one person or one person voices that something has been said by another member of the group, that person is out. No excuse

-I can't risk anything so if I and my mom (Who has agreed to help) are in doubt of the authenticity of the story I can't let that person in purely a safety precaution

So if any of you guys have been a victim of sexual assault, violence or rape, or know anyone who has, know that there is a place where you can share your story and not be afraid of being judged

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