Ooo look another chapter

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AN: I'm sorry that this took over a year to write, I didn't forget about it, I just hate everything about it. The plot, the ship, even the POV is bad. I really hate my 12 year old self for choosing first person. But quarantine has me bored so even though I find this plot to be very boring and my past writing remarkably terrible, I will attempt to finish this story with a final chapter after this one, which has been written for about two years and which I have no desire to edit so enjoy the ramblings of past completely un-edited. Would you believe I'm in AP Lang? Anyway.
Ginny POV
Me and Harry slowly walked back up to the castle after dropping our kids of at the greenhouse. It felt odd to refer to them as such, but strangely right. As we reached the entrance we split ways with quiet goodbyes. I walk to charms and sat next to Luna.
"So... How are your kids?" Luna asked. "Fine thank you. WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!" I whispered. Loudly.
"Oh you know how the nargles like to gossip this time of year. I heard all about you and Harry's future marriage and children." Luna said calmly, not looking up from her copy of the quibbler as she spoke. "WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT MARRIAGE!" I said to shocked to think of anything else. "Wow Ginny, I didn't think you to be that kind of girl, having kids out of wedlock.  Well it is the 20th century I guess." Luna said still reading her magazine. "WHAT NO, THATS NOT...WAIT...UGHH, you are so hard to talk to sometimes." I said, annoyed. "Maybe you just have some blubbering humdingers clogging up your ears, you should get Madame Pomfrey to look at you, it can be quite serious." Luna said finally looking up from her magazine as professor Flitwick walked in starting the lesson. I didn't get a change to speak to Luna for the rest of class, but even if I did I don't know what I would say because I was so shocked. I thankfully had a gap between my next class and this one. I quickly walked down to the greenhouse. When I arrived I found Harry already there. "Hey, how was class?" Harry said, arms full of a dead plant that look to have been mauled by a small bear, or a Lilly, either or really. " Good, did you know Luna knew about the kids?" I asked. " No, but I'm not surprised. She know about most things that go one in this castle, almost as much as Dumbledore. Why? Does it bother you that she knows?" He said. I frowned but excepted this answer. "No, I just wanted to keep it a secret for a while, even from our friends. I guess I shouldn't even try to keep thing from Luna huh?" I said. "Yeah, there's no point in trying to keep secrets from Luna because she probably knows already, I swear that girl is a seer." Harry laughed. I look over and see James trying and a failing to keep Lilly form destroying another plant. "It's almost time for lunch you know, why don't we give professor Sprout some time to fix what damage Lilly, destroyer of all, caused and take the kids to the kitchen to get food. " Harry suggested. I agreed, we then gathered the kids and walked up to the castle together.

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