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Something didn't feel right. Ever have one of those lonely nights when something feels…odd? Like you know when something bad was going to happen?

Tonight was one of those nights. Harry lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. The whole house was dark, except for the small light that the lamp was giving. Everything was eerily quiet in his house.

These are the times when Harry wishes that he wasn't alone. That he had a partner with him. If he did, these lonely nights wouldn't be so creepy like they always were.

They usually weren't as creepy as this one was. As weird as it sounds, Harry felt like he was being watched. His mind kept clouding with different suspicions.

He needed company with him, he needed to feel safe. He scrolled down his contact list, sighing as he passed some contacts that were dead. Those poor innocent people.

Dialing Best mate…

' You've reached the voicemail of Louis Tomlinson. Call back when you get a chance!'

Harry groaned and threw his phone. Why was Louis mad at him? What did he do to Louis? He did nothing at all. The curly haired man looked at his clock.

9:17 pm

It wasn't too early to go to sleep, was it? Harry shrugged his shoulders before getting comfortable and trying to fall asleep. Shortly after 9:17, he fell asleep into a slumber.

A very strange slumber.

'Harry, I am in your dreams right now. It's Louis. I'm here to tell you…that I'm dead. Zayn killed me that day.'

'Louis, stop playing like that, this isn't cool,' Harry scolded. He reached out to touch Louis, only for his hand to go right through the boy. Harry pulled his hand away in shock.

Louis was dead.

'Louis! You're my best mate, you can't be dead!'

'I'm sorry Harry. Maybe sometime in the afterlife we can meet. I have to go now, be safe Harry.'

Harry watched as Louis' figure slowly faded away. He looked down at his own hands and screamed as they began to turn into dust. He was disappearing.

Harry jolted awake, panting heavily. Was Louis really dead? If Zayn killed Louis, then he was going to—

A loud crash broke Harry away from his thoughts. His heart was heavily pounding. He could practically feel his heart in his throat. It sounded like someone broke a glass or something.

Harry retrieved his phone from the floor and quietly got into his closet. He quickly dialled 911, shaking in fear.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"T-theres someone trying to b-break in my house, " Harry whispered.

Another sound came from downstairs. It was more glass crashing to the floor and breaking. There was definitely someone other than him in the house.

"Sir, can you calmly tell us where you live?"

"7443 Abby l-lane. Please hurry."

"I've sent the officers on the way. Can you stay on the phone with u—" Harry got unlucky as his phone died in the middle of the lady's sentence.

He cried harder and banged his head against the closet door. Louis was dead, and someone was breaking into his house.


He heard that voice before. That sickeningly sweet voice with a Bradford accent. It was Zayn. The guy that he was dreading to see.

Harry didn't care anymore. He was going to end everything once and for all. Nobody would dare to even break into his house.

Especially Zayn.

The nineteen year old reached over to grab his pocket knife that he got a little while ago. Ever since Halloween, he realized that he needed protection.

Harry got out of his closet and slowly made his way down the stairs. The noise was getting louder and louder from where he was standing. He couldn't see a thing. The house was way too dark. Then, everything randomly got quiet.

Too quiet...

"Boo!" A voice yelled into Harry's ear.

"Get away from me! "  Harry screamed and made a run from Zayn. Zayn growled and chased Harry down. The younger male turned around to see his stalker getting closer and closer to him, until


Harry smashed his hip onto the edge of his marble countertop. He groaned and that groan turned into a scream when Zayn yanked his hair, pulling him into his firm chest. Harry did the one thing that he learned when he was younger, incase of an emergency.

Fight back.

Harry gritted his teeth and elbowed Zayn in the gut as hard as he could. As Zayn collapsed to the floor, he grabbed Harry's ankles. The curly haired teen fell to the floor in defeat. Zayn always gets what he wants, and he wasn't going to let Harry get away from him.

It was as if everything happened in slow motion. Zayn climbed onto Harry's thrashing body, and put his arms around the boy's pale neck. He added pressure and squeezed like his life depended on it.

Different colors—green, red, blue, and white took over Harry's vision. The little colorful dots swirled around his closed eyelids as he tried gasping for air. Different memories clouded through his mind, and that's when he knew it was coming.

His death.

Harry opened up his eyes to see Zayn angrily, looking down on him, with a tight grip on his neck. He weakly slapped at Zayn's hand that wouldn't budge at all. It felt as if the grip got tighter and tighter. The only thing that Harry could hear was the loud beat of his heart, and the way he tried to breath.

"I love you Harry... But you need to go! My heart suffered enough because of you!"

The younger boy felt around in his back pocket, looking for that small metal object that he carried with himself. Everything was too overwhelming —he couldn't possibly be able to survive with this man's hands around his neck.

"N-no... Y-you need...to g-go," Harry wheezed out. He kicked Zayn in the face, which caused him to fall backwards and grunt, holding his nose. Now was Harry's turn to give Zayn a taste of his own medicine.

He flickered out the pocket knife—Zayn's eyes going wide when he saw the object in the hand of his lover. Harry gasped for air, but wasted no time sticking the knife into Zayn's stomach. He panted as he plunged the knife deeper and deeper into Zayn's stomach.

Deeper and deeper.

"I l-love you H-Harry.... "

Harry pulled the knife out of Zayn and stabbed it right back in him. He repeated the process, watching the blood ooze from the older man. He didn't stop until Zayn's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and closed for good.

Harry dropped the bloody knife when Zayn's head fell over to his side and lay there. He was finally dead. All of his worries and problems about this man were gone now. He won't have to be paranoid or petrified because of Zayn anymore.

He sobbed while holding his throat and gasping for air. Harry limped outside, hearing the sounds of the blazing sirens get closer to his location.

He was saved now.

@/N: er .... Sorry guys😭

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