With Murphy's Law, It Can Always Get Worse

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**I've edited and added several more paragraphs!!!!!**

Ashe P.O.O

My week tanked after that dreary Monday. And, yes, it did not get any better, nothing could be more antithetical. When you're blind like me, you tend to appreciate words, tones and feelings more than actions, so being able to use such uncommon words in my head always sends a tingle of contentment and pride. It's the simple things in life that I especially appreciate since, apparently, I can't use my eyes that make up for eighty percent of people's choices. I've been ruminating on such things since lunch four days ago.

The rest of the morning had been fairly quiet and relaxing as I went to classes and pushed the events of the morning out of my mind. I figured that I would treat it like a dog mistaking me for a fire hydrant and pissing on my leg- embarrassing, annoying, gross, distasteful, and grimace-inducing. What would you do in that case? Well, hose yourself down, wash the pants really fricking well, curse the dog and his owner in your mind while completing the tasks, and get the hell over it. I thought I had succeeded, and I had. Until lunch, that is.

I knew the lunch ladies really well and often greeted them, asking about how they were doing. There are major reasons in doing this- primary reason? They are living beings too that deserve respect and not to be treated like servants or stained wallpaper. The other? They make the food, and since they hand it out, if you're always a dick, who knows what they put in that special slice of pie that they hand you. So, I always grin to them, also because they are always so nice to me, and talk to me. My teachers talk to me, but I'm their student. The lunch ladies talk to me because we both enjoy each other's company.

They also protected me from having my lunch 'napped. After several unsuccessful days of going back for more food, they had me sit at a table in a corner nearby where they can keep an eye on my food for me, since I obviously can't. I can't express the emotions toward their treatment to me. They're the only ones that I have felt this kind of caring from. As a freshman, I've only known them for a few months, but lunch has already become my favorite period.

Being about sixteen yet a freshman is not odd in our nest, though humans in half my classes are like two years my junior, but only since I'm in a few honors classes. The school and fellow students, if they cared, all thought I actually was about thirteen or fourteen. In fact, we are kept at home longer so we don't get bloodthirsty and kill all the people in our class on the first day of kindergarten. Why don't we get homeschooled for a while? Because much of these years are more instinctual than thought-based, and we are taught a lot of vampire aspects instead at this time. My stomach growled at the thought of actual food.

So, I ate the cafeteria food, though I wished for something that only a human could give to silence my true hunger. It was then that I heard it. I didn't even realize I had focused in on what was being said until 'blind kid' was said, startling me. My brain automatically supplied what had been said before that.

"So, did the excuse note work for you?" Someone at the far end of the cafeteria asked.

"I didn't even need to use it, thanks to this blind kid," one of the guys from earlier this morning chuckled. It took me a moment, but I realized he was the one that had pushed me into the lockers.

"Oh ho, we actually have a token blind kid?" Someone chipped in. 'Again with that blind kid thing?' I internally grumbled, taking a bite of gooey lasagna. I've heard people whine about most of the food here, but compared to what I was lucky to get at home, this stuff was amazing!

"Yeah, totally blind. It was kinda creepy looking into his eyes. There was no focus to his eyes; nothing," I was so focused, I could hear him as he fake-shivered. I ate automatically, unable to stop listening in.

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