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Ken: Why... I hate you... I thought you and I... Can't you- *sniffs*

Leo was standing in front of teary Jaehwan who kept hitting Leo's chest and only stopped to cover his own face with his hands.

Ravi walked by and slapped Leo's face in anger.

Leo felt his heart breaking into a million pieces.

Ravi: How dare you hurt him!

Jaehwan's eyes opened widely, he could see Leo's hurt expression and Wonsik's angered look.

Ken: It's not like that, Leo-hyung did not-

Ravi grabbed Leo's arm and pushed him against the wall.

Ravi: You are really the worst. Why can't you just leave us alone!

The younger took two steps back. The older wasn't meeting his gaze, he kept looking down.

Leo walked away and the younger hit the wall.

Ken: Why did you do that?!

Ravi: He made you cry.

Ken: It's not like that! I was the one who tried to force him to like me. He was always nice to me, even when rejecting me he did it in a gentle way.

Ravi: He let you believe he liked you and now he rejects you, you should be mad. He was playing with you.

Ken: What are you saying? He never said he liked me. I liked him. I got too close to him. But he could never have feelings for me because it's you who he loves! Stupid Wonsik!

Ravi: What are you saying?...

Ken: Are you really that blind? He is so obvious all the time.

Ken: He was good to me, he was nice to all of us, he didn't even try to push you and now the love of his life just hurt him like this, apologize to him!

Ravi: ...

He... loves me?

Jung... Taekwoon?.... Leo hyung?


Leo walked toward his friend who was waiting for him at the station...

N: Today is the day~ Aren't you excited? we could all debut before our expectations if this company chooses us. It's like a dream we get this opportunity~

N: Why are you so quiet though... Oh, here comes the train, let's get in...

Hakyeon stepped into the train but he noticed the other didn't follow him...

N: What are you waiting for?

Leo: I'm sorry... I can't go with you this time. I know you are going to make it.

The door closed.

N: That brat.

Hakyeon took his cellphone and texted angrily, he read Taekwoon's text:

> Leo: You were right about me liking Wonsik. But he hates me now. I was never hated in my life. He said I kept getting between him and Jaehwan so... I won't do it again... They will be there, they will probably be picked and let's be honest... even if I was there... People would prefer Jaehwan's sparkling personality... I don't want to be in the same place with them.

> N: Are you stupid? This is our dream.

> Leo: I can't sing while feeling this way. I'm sorry Hakyeon...

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