Miss (Y/N)

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Dark never really had a thing for parties. His best friends, though, were total party addicts. Anti loved to get drunk and find a way to make out with a someone with an excuse of being tipsy. He always found it a bit annoying to take the Irish man home all drunk and trying to trick Dark into kissing him. If it were three years ago, he may have taken the invitation, but now, he was happily taken. She was also a very big party fanatic, but for a different reason. A much darker reason. Bringing him to this situation...

Dark was leaning against the wall, as far from the main party as he could be. His eyes were closed and he had canceled out his hearing as best he could from the loud music and the girls constantly attempting to flirt. His patience was slowly being clawed away by the surrounding pests. He grit his teeth as a girl tried to kiss him, quickly pushing her away with enough force to hit the wall across from them in the small hallway. He rolled his eyes at her exaggerated reaction before leaving to the kitchen. After getting pushed and slightly nudged off course, he made it to spot his green-haired friend talking with a girl. Dark tapped his shoulder, making Anti's eyes light up. A smile spread on his face and he wrapped an arm around the taller. From this close of range, Dark could smell the alcohol he had drunk.

"Darky~! This is um... Sorry w'hat was your name~?"

Dark pat his head with another eye roll, earning a small giggle from the girl in front of him. She seemed to want to say something, but he beat her to it. 

"Hey, he's attached to you. Do me a favor and drop his off here when you drive home."

He quickly said, helping Anti sit on a stool and make sure he wouldn't fall. He handed her a slip of paper with an address before turning around and leaned to the Irish fella. 

"Did you see where she went?"

His friend smiled knowingly, pointing to no where and allowing his words to make more sense.

"Down teh hall to the right~ T'ird door if I'm not mistaken~"

Dark nodded before thanking him quietly. He gave a motion of greeting to the girl as she approached Anti before following the directions. Again being a tiny bit bumped around, he made it and brought his hand to the door. Two, quiet knocks. After a few seconds of no answer, he knew he was in the right place. He carefully opened the door, making sure no one could see inside. After locking it, he turned to look at the young man. He had to be in his twenties, maybe very late teenage years. Pulling on his gloves, Dark checked his pockets to find an ID. His name was Jackson Butch, 23 years old, a natural dirty-blonde, and light greenish eyes. She picked a good one. After returning the wallet, he looked around closer. Noticing the open window, he stepped around the pools of blood to get to it. It let in a cold breeze, but that's not what mattered to him. Carefully, he held up the piece of fabric, obviously torn from a nice dress. Dark was quick to get out of the room after making sure there was nothing else left. Walking out the front door, he pulled out his phone.


{Jackaboy: Thanks for getting Anti home... again.}

{Jackaboy: Who's the lady with Anti? A new lady friend?}

{GlitchBitch: dued i think shrs the ome}

{FutureMsFischbach: Find anything, Darkipoo?}

Seeing her contact name, he slid his thumb along the message, immediately getting through. With his phone on the side of his face, he walked and spoke.

"Good evening, (Y/N)."

"Same to you, darling."

"Had fun tonight?"

"You know I did."

"You messed up, doll."

"Says who?"

"You tore your dress. You could have gotten caught."

"I left it for you. I knew you'd show."

"Someone could have found it."

"No one's gonna find me."

"Out the back door?"

"You know it."

"Goddamn woman."

Dark was no longer speaking into the phone, but rather to the young woman in front of him. Leaning on the railing on the porch of their shared home, she looked extravagant. Her long night gown barely laid on the floor; a new slit was present in the shiny fabric, showing off her thin leggings and three-inch heels. A pair of long silk gloves was slid on her slim arms, identical in color to the dress. In her hair, which was put into an elegant bun and gently curled under-hang to frame her face, was a feather and flower garland that also matched her other clothes. Soft makeup was on her face, gently helping her eyes stand out along with other details. Her glossy lips were pulled into a smirk.

"Miss (Y/N)."

"That's me."

Dark was quick to move to her, holding her hand on one of his own to pull her close. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to him. Scarlet eyes met (E/C) and they just stared at each other for a while. 

"You're something beautiful in the tragic of this fallout." 

"Aw how sweet of you."

"You're a sin."

"Pf. You love me anyway."

He sighed before leaning in. Just before kissing her, he whispered:

"Yeah, I love you anyway."

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