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She lies in the wooden box. Her head is next to a table of instruments. The man promised he to take good care of her. Everything felt wrong. I tried telling them to stop, but they find no voice. I had were whimpers and sobs.

After these few hours, I still don't understand. Why her? Out of everyone in this place why? She won't smile again. I'll never see her go to her first real dance. She won't be here when I wake up, or when I get home. Never...

This house is unwelcoming. Nothing but painful reminders of my failure. The pressure building. It hurts. I can't breathe. Please help me. The pain intensifies; I can't take the feeling anymore.

Her picture sits in a frame next to my bed. Her loving dark eyes, staring at me. How could I be so stupid? This was my fault. She'd be safe if I'd been here. Why wasn't I?

I need air. My breath quickens trying to find a rhythm. What's the point? The tears roll in a fast beat. Make this stop. PLEASE. I need it to stop...

I've been lying on my bed for hours. The tears subsided, but the pressure is still there. Worse by the second. This is a horrific dream. If I close my eyes, she'll come in my room tomorrow; tell me she loves me and is off to school.

I let them close...

She never came. Never said goodbye, and never would get to.

A phone rang, muffled. I had no interest in getting up. What was the point? Why wake? Why put myself through this torture?

Days had passed. The pressure in my chest has grown it filled to the point my whole body with it. My bed still holds me. Mom is in the living room as she has been every other time I've seen her. She hasn't cried; hasn't talked; she sits. I begged her to talk, but she doesn't listen. She doesn't hear me letting go, I can't let go.

As quiet as she is I know she needs me. She's protecting her heart. What she doesn't understand is I need her. I need someone to understand. This pressure that is drowning me, I need someone to make this pain go away. Please make it go away.

Ring. It was quiet at first then it rings again. I don't get up. Whoever it was could wait. It stopped. Then again, and again, and again. I couldn't take it anymore. My feet hit the cold wood. I stroll down the hall. Every picture of her watches me. I stand in front of her door. The ringing begins again.

My hand hesitates on the handle. The flashbacks began. Every good and bad moment of her life, every second we spent together. I turn the knob.

I avoid looking up as I stroll to the phone. It sits on the made blue bed. The contact was a name I didn't recognize. There were messages, cruel, and heartbreaking. She had needed me, and where was I? Some stupid party. Tears begin to run. This time I manage to keep my breathing under control.

On her desk, there are pictures. She seemed so happy in them. I don't understand. Why? A piece of folded paper catches my eye. The paper labeled Sister. Next to it were to more papers. One said Mom, and the other Dad. My eyes began to water. He was gone, and now she was too.

She was all alone. All she wanted was someone to be there. She needed someone to pick her up when she felt down. To be there even when they didn't have to. Someone to be a friend. She wanted to be someone's first pick. How could I be so stupid?
I looked up, hung from the ceiling was the rope, from an unforgettable night.


I hope you enjoyed the story. I want to improve my writing so I would appreciate if you guys would give me tips.

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