Silence at its Best

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He remembered everything. The blood on the walls, to the silence in the lightless house. Yet still he sat in that dreadful silence. In a white room with a locked door, and one big mirror. A mirror that could see the terrified look in his sad dark eyes.

The locked door began to open, and in stepped the detective. Her hair hung over her shoulder in a messy kind of way indicating she had been awoken. This would not have suprised Oliver though, for the last time he had been outside it had been dark.

"Hello Oliver, I'm Officer Jones," She sat across from him.

Oliver couldn't bring himself to look up. After all it had been his fault. He just wanted his parents to take him away from here, and definitely out of that house.

"Okay, well I need you to answer some pretty simple questions. If that's alright with you?" She paused a moment before asking her first question, "What happened?"

Oliver began shaking. He couldn't breathe, not until he looked up. The officer had a sympathetic look in her eye. One that would surely go away after she new what happened.

"I want my parents," Oliver whispered.

"They are already in the waiting room," she replied as calm as can be, "you can go see them when we are done in here."

Once again an uncomfortable silence filled the air. Alone in thoughts about the weeks before. Trying to recall every detail. Then he began.


About 2 Weeks Earlier...

Ring! The final bell of the day rang. Everyone began to make there way out the door when Mr. Warcus shouted over the children, "Don't forget to do pages 84 through 88 in the book."

There were "boo's" and whines, but Oliver didn't care, he got to go home.

Aspen was standing by his locker when he got there. She looked like she always did. Her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders, and she wore her usual t-shirt and dark jeans.

"Hey," she smiled

He smiled back, "Sup, loser."

"Oh, nothin." She grinned bigger and said, "What about you, loser?"

Oliver spun the dial on his locker as he replied. "Well I have a friend comin' over, so guess I can't stay and talk."

She stuck her tongue out at him, giving him an annoyed look. "And who might that be?"

He finished grabbing his stuff and shut his locker. He poked her side and she jumped.

"Oliver James Hurth, I swear I'm going to kill you!" She shouted, but Oliver was already running down the hall.

He stopped in front of the doors that led outside of the school. Turning to look for Aspen. He knew he wouldn't find her in the crowded area but he looked around anyway. Then he felt a small tap on his right shoulder.

He looked over, but no one was there. Oh, it's one of those days. Where I have to go looking for her. Okay. We can play it your way.

He searched for five minutes before finding Aspen hiding behind a group of girls all wearing pink. Oliver began to sneak up, but just as he got to her his phone played Sound of Silence by Disturbed.

Aspen jumped and he pulled his phone out laughing. She glowered at him and Oliver answered the call.

"Where are you, young man?" His mom's voice came from the other side of the phone.

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