Chapter 6: The Fight

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Rainbow's POV:

"This can't be happening. This cannot be happening!" I panicked to myself. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Miss Rainbow the best flyer there ever was Dash." Zephyr started. A/N: Callback to Season 6 Episode 11: Flutter Brutter. "Oh, Celestia help me." I muttered. I sighed "what do you want Zephyr?" "I want you to be my marefriend, Dashie." he said. "Um, sorry Zephyr, but I can't." I said. "Why not?" he sternly demanded. "Because, Soarin is my coltfriend." I said. Zephyr gave him the death glare, "so, you're Soarin?" he said, anger growing in his tone. "Yes, I am." Soarin said sternly, he whispered something in my ear "I think it's time we'd bail." "Yeah." I whispered back. "Welp, it was nice meetin' you Zeph, but it time for us to go." Soarin said, pushing me along the way, Zephyr blocked us. "Oh, you guys ain't goin' nowhere." he said, mischievously. He shoved me aside, and punched Soarin in the face. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR STEALING MY MAREFRIEND!!" Zephyr shouted, flying in for another blow. Soarin dogged him "I never dated you Zephyr!" I exclaimed. Zephyr kicked Soarin in the chest, knocking the wind out of him, he landed on a cloud. I flew down next to him "Soarin, are you ok?" I asked, concerned. "Yeah, I'm ok. I really just don't wanna fight, even if it is for you." he said, nuzzling my shoulder. "Come up here and fight me like a man!" Zephyr yelled. Soarin flew up to him and said "dude, you have to accept the fact that Rainbow does not like you, and don't worry there are other mares that may be willing to give you chance. So, we all good?" Soarin asked, holding out his hoof. Zephyr slapped it away, "no we are not good." Zephyr said, angrily "this isn't over yet, Troy A/N: See what I did there? ;) but maybe this will teach not to get in the way of my true love!" He rose his hoof in the air, and brought it back down. It was like in slow-motion almost, I gasped and flew straight towards Soarin. I shoved him out of Zephyr's aim. I got hit in the back of the head, now everything around me was now a blur. All I felt was the cool air flowing through my mane as I plummeted towards the ground.

Soarin's POV:

I crashed into a nearby cloud, and saw Dashie falling. I snarled at Zephyr who flew off, trying not to notice what was happening. I dived off that cloud, and tried to catch up to Rainbow. She was five feet away from the ground, I managed to catch up and save her just in time. I set her down underneath a tree, "Dashie, please speak to me." I begged. She said nothing, I decided to stay with her till she regained consciousness. I snuggled up next to her and fell asleep. It was a peaceful night, just like it should be.

I hope you guys enjoyed this violent/sweet/sappy chappie! Bet you guys want to find out what happens next. Stay tuned, signing off for now..

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