Chapter 8: The Gala Pt 1

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Rainbow's POV:

I woke up early the next morning. I didn't feel like going back to sleep, so I played with Tank for a little while. Then, I heard a knock at the door, I answered it. "Hey Rainbow Dash, I haven't seen you in quite awhile." said a certain gray pegasus with a yellow mane, and wall eyes. "Oh, hey Derpy. Good to see you again!" I said. "I kept knocking on your door every time I came by, but you weren't here" she said. "I was at training all week." I explained. "Oh ok, anywho, here's your mail." I took the two envelopes from her, "thanks, Derpy. See you around!" I said. "See ya." said Derpy, she flew off. I sat at my kitchen table, and opened them. "Dear Rainbow Dash," I read "You are cordially invited to this year's Grand Galloping Gala. My sister I can't wait to see you there. ~Your's truly, Celestia and Luna." I saw my ticket attached to the bottom of the letter. "When Rarity gets her hooves on this letter, she'll be sewing us six dresses before the day is done." I said. I took a sip of my coffee, and opened the second envelope. I was shocked to see what it said,"Rainbow Dash, I'm going to take one day off you guys vacation." I spat out my coffee. "Usually, I wouldn't do this because it's not fair for you guys. We're going to be performing at the gala, Princess Celestia asked me personally. I would've said no if it were anypony else, but this is royalty were talking about here! I last show, I promise. ~Sincerely, Spitfire. "Oh, come on!!" I exclaimed, face-planting on my table "ugh, might as well go get ready.." I got ready for the day, and flew off to HQ. Everypony was not too happy to be there, especially Surprise, I think she peeved the most. "Asked to do another show at the beginning of break?!" she exclaimed "can you believe that?!" "I know right?" said Misty. "Guys just chill," I said "it's only one last show." Surprise rolled her eyes. "Hey, Dashie." said Soarin. "Oh, hey Soar." I said. Surprise gasped "the shipping intensifies!" said Surprise, squeeing. "Ok," said Misty, pushing Surprise away "better get her away from here before she goes into complete shipping mode." "So much cuteness! I bet you that she and Soarin are dating." said Surprise. "I don't think so, Slowpoke. Rainbow Dash is that kind of mare who thinks that kind of stuff is for girly-girls." Misty replied. "Maybe you're wrong, Misty. Maybe Dash has changed." said Surprise. "Ok then, if your wrong, you have to clean the academy bunks for three weeks." Misty betted. "Oh, if you're wrong, you have to admit Soarindash is canon, and do all my chores for the rest of this month." Surprise betted. "Deal." said Misty. "All right Bolts, we have a show tonight, and we have to get it done today." commanded Spitfire "each of you will take off in pairs, Daisy, Slowpoke you're up!" They took off, "Clipper, Crash go!" Soarin and I took off. We spent the rest of the afternoon practicing, but then I went over to Rarity's to get fitted.

Time Skip

Rainbow's POV:

I tried to leave Rare's house earlier, but she insisted for me and the others to have a mini fashion show. 



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