Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the late posting of this...super busy with exams and ending of school. But here it is, I hope that you like it and please, don't forget to vote/comment, every one means so much to me! ENJOY!

Once I heard the door slam shut with Riley's exit, I started to pick up the kitchen, starting with the teacups and moving to the kettle. When everything was neatly put away, I checked my mobile for the first time since leaving school and was pleasantly surprised to find the only person to try and contact me was Norah.

WTF?!?!  Was the only thing she said.

I snorted at her inability to not only type out full words and add much more than necessary punctuation marks but also at her incapability to think rationally and show sensitivity on some human level. She was a blind person; shut off in her own world of ignorance, living for the thrill not the consequence. I was tempted to text back with something along the lines of "Welcome to Facebook!", "Why the frown" or "Do you know what the words 'grammar and spelling' are?" But instead not wanted to make her curious as well as mad, I replied with: Men issues. Don't ask.  That's not a it?

With a little bit of hope and a whole lot of luck, that would get her off my back for a little while and buy me time to figure out how exactly I should deal with all of this. People are going to find out eventually and I realised I had not one bloody clue about how I was going to keep it a secret for as long as possible. But also, some people deserved to know. Especially Cale.

Dr. Lippman had implanted the idea of breaking up with Cale into my head and at the start it disgusted me. After all, I was under the false he was the love of my life, that I was going to marry him, have his children and live happily ever after. But he planted the seed in my human garden. The seed started off small, just a grain in the back of my mind. Norah watered the seed until it budded into a near bursting bud. I tried picking the stem to stop the growth, but its developing thorns always got in the way so I let it be. Eventually, I started to love that plant, care for it and make it my own. But the plan didn't bloom until the club when the petals revealed their crimson shade and the thorns attacked his heart.

It wasn't long after when I heard the garage door open, somebody walk in and then shut again. I assumed it was David returning from grocery shopping with dinner. I was about to call out to him but suddenly, I heard giggles.

Women's giggles.

And they were not mum's.

Panic ran through my mind as I tried to think of what to do.  The Old Liv would have stayed in the exact same spot, waiting for them to tumble up the stairs and find her staring at them with abhorrence along with an evil smirk for them to digest.  Once their initial shock had sunken in, Liv would lecture them on infidelity and its horrors, belittle their self esteem, and question their humanity thus less than subtly assert her dominance in the situation. She might have even threatened to ring Mum if she felt up to it.

I itched to do that; it was the easiest and most natural way for me to react. No, that's not the right thing to do.  I have to be more mature and I can't just fall back into Old Liv's nasty habits every time I can't be bothered to rise above it at first thought.  But it's just so easy...

I shook my head, banishing the tempting idea to be a difficult child from my head. I picked up my mobile and dashed up the stairs to my room silently before Dad and his new toy, that was undoubtedly young enough to be my sister, came up from the garage.

I stayed in my room as they giddily walked up the stairs and into the kitchen. While they drank wine, shared kisses and basked in glory of being 'private' and while their bodies moved closer and closer, I still did nothing other than making no noise and pretending I don't exist. 

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