Trouble Makers Walk In One Direction

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WARNING: a LOT of swearing in this book. 

i sat in the cold waiting room, i had been here a million times before, i even knew almost everyones names. i stared at the gleaming white floor and a waited for my Sister to come pick me up. it felt like forever but finally she got here. She didn't say hello, she just walked up payed the bail and got my things. 

"here" she said shoving them toward me. i rolled my eyes 

"nice to see you too" i said following her out of the building 

"what was if for this time Mikaela?" she asked. i smirked at the memory. i grimaced at my name, no matter how many times i've told her to call me Mick she just won't listen! 

"shop lifting" i said she turned to face me. 

"again Mikaela? they won't give you warnings forever!" she exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation. 

"oh please as if you care where i end up, and don't call me Mikaela… i hate that" i said pulling a smoke out of my packet and lighting it. 

"of course i care Mikae… i mean Mick. you know i care! other wise i wouldn't bail you out every single time you get locked up!" she exclaimed again. she glared at me " are you smoking?" she narrowed her eyes at the stick in my mouth. 

"yup" i said popping the p and blowing out a grey cloud of smoke. she pinched the bridge of her nose 

"mum and dad are going to kill you" she said crossing her arms and looking at me. i shrugged. 

"simple i won't go home" i said casually going to walk away. 

"mick" she sighed grabbing my wrist. i looked into those almost honey yellow eyes that look identical to my own only hers brimmed with tears. "please stop this" she said staring deep into my eyes pleading. i laughed bitterly and shook my head looking at the ground. 

"thank you for bailing me out… again" i said ignoring her statement and removing my wrist from her grasp and taking another drag of my cigerette i had been craving over night. 

" making no promises it'll happen again" she said firmly. i didn't blame her and i didn't complain since half her money was spent on bailing me out.

"finsih your smoke and lets go" she said I nodded and walked over to her car. my Sister was 16 and i was 18 yep, i was bailed out by my younger sister. I sat in the car and waited as it roared to life. i put my feet on the dashboard outstretching them 

"get your feet off my dashboard Mick" she huffed annoyed. i smirked 

"make me" i said she rolled her eyes and kept driving. finally arriving home. 

I walked inside and was greeted by two angry looking parents. i smiled t them sweetly 

"where have you been?" my dad asked 

"is that smoke i smell!" my mum hollered sniffing the air around me. i rolled my eyes. 

"hello, yes i'm good thanks how are you?" i asked sarcastically folding my arms and popping a hip 

"it is smoke!" mum yelled ripping the packet out of my pocket 

"mum, i'm 18 you cant tell me what to do anymore" i said snatching it from her. now being 18 you're probably wondering what i'm still doing at home right? well lets just say i've been kicked out by a few landlords and i don't really have a job and mum and dad refuse to pay anymore. 

"when you're living under our roof you will do as we say!" my dad yelled snatching the smokes from me and throwing them in the trash. i frowned deeply 

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