Chapter 2

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I found four boys lounging on the couch. they all looked at me as i walked in. i rolled my eyes

"what never seen a girl before?" i said. they immediately looked back to the tv. typical 

i walked to my room and grabbed my sketch book and pencil and walked back into the lounge room. Zayn was now inside and was sitting on the floor with Niall while the three other boys sat on the couch. i took a seat on the arm chair and began to draw. 

Drawing always zoned me out. everything just melted away and it was just me, imagination, pen and paper. i drew a girl ya know the ones that had the makeup of the day of the dead skull make up? yeah one of them. i don't really know where this talent came from since i was so into guy things. i guess drawing was a bit girly? i dunno but it kinda just happened. 

"wow you're good" Harry stated. 

"thanks" i said not looking up at and just continued to draw. 

"draw us!" i heard louis chirp i looked up to find Louis laying across the boys and them all posing strangely. i laughed at them all "quick! draw me like one of those french girls!" he said again. i only laughed harder.

"ya know you guys aren't all that bad" i said repositioning the pad on my lap. they all smiled 

"so friends?" Niall said. i laughed bitterly 

" i said you weren't that bad. i never said we were going to be friends" i stated looking back at my drawing and shading all bits necessary 

"it's going to be hard not to be friends with people you're living with" Louis pointed out. i huffed 

"please, i've shared an apartment with my worst enemy" i said. Awkward silence fell upon us. well…. not silence. Just the sound of my pencil running a long the paper "so aren't you's supposed to be out doing celebrity type stuff" i asked still not looking up from my art work. 

"it's our day off" Liam announced. 

"so what do you guys do for fun then?" i asked finally looking up from my drawing. 

"well you kinda walked in on our fun" Louis laughed. Niall was pouting 

"it looked like-" i was cut off mid sentence by my phone ringing. i excused myself and went to the balcony and answered it. 

"hello?" i half questioned since it was a private number 

"hey Mick" i frowned i didn't recognise the voice 

"i'm sorry, who's this?" i asked. i heard a chuckle 

"it's mitchell" he said i smiled 

"oh hey babe" i said 

"where are you? i thought i'd take you out for dinner" he said. i sighed deeply 

"mitch.. i'm not in the country anymore" i replied 

"wait, you just got up and left?" he asked he sounded surprised 

"yeah.. well no. my parents sent me here" i said 

"but you're 18 you don't have to-"

"while living with them i do" i said sitting on the sun chair on the balcony 

"does Mell know you left? because she didn't say anything when i asked for your number" he stated. he didn't sound happy anymore. 

"fuck, i didn't get time to tell her" i said face palming 

"oh… well you should" he said plainly 

"mitch, i'm sorry" i apologised 

"no it's fine… it's not like i had a chance anyways right?" he said saddness clear in his voice 

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