Chapter 3

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thank you Emma for making it for me! this chapter is dedicated to you my friend ;)

even though you have a whole story dedicated to you... BUT YOU'RE JUST AMAZE BALLS

yeah Niall tweeted about that today i thought it was really lame but whatevz

AND! i seen a photo of the concert in Dallas during moments the whole crowed was lit up with iphone flashes and it looked really magical and such


okay now i'm going to stop fangirling and let you read the story :D


Zayn's POV 

i watched as she smirked and the doors closed with her out of sight. i sighed and waited for the elevator to descend. I couldn't wrap my head around how this Mick girl could be so rude and cold to people she had only known for a few hours. maybe she was just annoyed and it'll take a few days to get used to it. pluss she was a trouble maker…. but i just don't understand, i've tried to be nice since none of the boys wanted to talk to her incase she bit their heads off so it was up to me. she wore a lot of makeup it was kind of… annoying? i dunno but all i knew was that none of the boys liked her. 

the elevator arrived and i jumped in waiting for it to reach my floor. it opened and i used my key card thing to get in. i was greeted by a bloodshot eyed Louis and a lot of frowning faces 

"how you feeling Lou?" i asked i smiled weakly at him. his eye's just welled up with tears again and he just shook his head. he couldn't even speak. i sighed heavily and i took a seat next to Liam 

"i really don't like that Mick girl…" Niall said frowning at the floor 

"i think it's fair to say we all dislike her" Harry sighed 

"and she dislikes all of us obviously" Liam said running a hand over his face. i could tell he was stressed out, he was usually so in control, but he couldn't control her. hell i think only the police could! 

"guys, lets just give her some space, lets not forget this is her punishment, she's miles away from her friends and family, she doesn't know anyone here. i'm sure she'll warm up with in a few days" i re assured everyone 

"i hope so, unlike her i couldn't live with someone i dislike" Niall said. i nodded in agreement. 

we all sat in silence for a while then Louis' phone began to ring. everyone tensed up and he excused himself sauntering off to his room 

"so what going on with them?" i asked. i knew what had happened, the distance got to them and they began suspecting things and over thinking simple situations. 

"Eleanor is brought up the idea of breaking up and he just…. broke" Harry said looking at his hands. Harry always looked just as broken a Louis when he was upset. i sighed heavily rubbing my temples.

"we need to talk to paul about this Mick situation." Liam said 

"she can't stay here, no way" Niall concluded. 

"guys c'mon, lets just give her a chance" i said 

"who's side are you on Zayn?" Harry asked seriously almost glaring at me. i shook my head. Let the drama begin 

Mick's POV 

i sat in my room staring at the ceiling. why am i here right now? i do not belong here at all. ugh i'm crazing a smoke to I looked at the time. 8:00pm, they should be cooking now. i can't go out there. i don't even want to look at any of them. i sighed and lit a smoke in my room. taking a long drag. i looked at my phone and seen a message 

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