Chapter two

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We're currently walking to the party, and even though, we're still a few blocks away, I can already see celebrating people. "Oh lord." I mumble and Josephine taps my shoulder a few times. "You'll make it." she states as she starts walking faster ahead of me. I take a few longer steps to reach her, and when I do, she stops. "You need to let loose today, ok?" she guestions and stares into my eyes. Smiling, I nod and start walking again.

"Here we go." she mumbles as we step in through the gate into the front yard, which is full of people. The loud music seems to be enjoyable to most people, who are annoyingly enough, yelling to each other. "Maybe this was a bad idea." I state to Josephine, and she starts to reassure me. "It'll be fun. Just let loose." she says before she disappears. I walk over to the kitchen and try to find something to drink.

Just as I get a beer to my hand, I see Sophie. She's clearly looking for something to drink, so I grab something that looks good and hand it over to her. "Oh" is the only thing she says when she looks at me, or more like stares. "Hello, Felix. It's nice to see you." she says, sounding really confused, maybe she's wondering why I'm here? I just nod, without saying anything at first but then greet her. "So, you're at a party. I thought you didn't like parties." she says and turns to face the floor. "Yeah well my friend wanted to come, but then she bailed on me so.." I answer, wanting to continue somehow, but don't really know what I should say. "Wanna hangout?" she asks looking in my eyes again and smiling. A part of me is telling me to get the hell out of here, but I don't want to.

We sit in the back yard, in a little corner where no one really comes in. "So what has life been like in the last few months when I umm... when I haven't been around?" she asks being kind of awkward, that leads to a moment of silence. "Well I got a new friend, and..." then I don't know what to say. "Oh the one who bailed on you?" Sophie asks as a joke and I nod, smiling. Then I just look at the ground. "What's wrong Felix?" she sounds concerned and I shake my head. "My dad died." I say, probably sounding pretty miserable. "God I ruined the night, didn't I." I try to joke but Sophie looks at me seriously. "When?" she asks still completely serious, not even looking away for a second. "A week after you left." I reply trying to keep smiling. She doesn't say anything, she just hugs me. God it feels good to be around her again. Feeling better, I can actully smile when we pull away from each other. "Call me?" she asks quickly as she gets up and leaves when someone yells her name. I nod but she's already gone. What have I got myself into?

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