Our Divergent Life

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 During the Divergent Series Tris and Four weren’t the only teens dealing with the problem of Divergence. Five other teens were faced with the death penalty that is being Divergent. Ryder: Dauntless, Ian: Candor, Graham: Erudite, Penelope: Amity, and Genevieve: Abnegation, find themselves fighting the only way of life that they’ve known, and the acceptance of being more than the average person.     


Name: Ian McKinley

Age: 16 years and 5 ½ months

Height: 6’5”

Faction: Candor

From where: Abnegation

          Sexuality: Gay

Physical features: Dark short hair, tall, thin, big black framed glasses, bow ties and gelled hair are his things, dresses very preppy

Personality: Kind of a douchebag, brutally honest, he thinks he knows it all, the truth is all he will tell, he looks down on people that lie, but hate the people that lie to themselves. He’s not flamboyant gay, or girly gay, he's just… gay.

Name: Penelope (Penny) Renolds

Age: 16 years and 8 months

Height: 5” 8”

Faction of Origin: Candor

Chosen Faction:  Amity

Sexuality: I’ll try anything once but, I love me some boys

Physical Characteristics: Long dark hair that always seems to be messy. She is tall like a model, and just as pretty, but she is stronger than she looks. She has many tattoo, and really likes them. Her hair is ALWAYS in a bandana. Don’t ask too much about it. She always dresses in shorts, even when it’s cold. Her style is boho/ hipster.

Personality: She is a free spirit, who won’t be tied down by any rules.  Anything you tell her not to do, she will do and she will laugh in your face while she does it. Her life is basically always a party, and when it isn’t she makes it into one. She doesn’t worry about relationships or labels and will try anything at least once. She is a complete flirt, but don’t be mistaken, she likes to play with her toys before throwing them out like weeks old milk.

Name: Graham Waters

Age: 16 years, and 1 month old

Height: 6’4”

Faction of Origin: Dauntless

Faction of Choice: Erudite

Sexuality: Straight. Period, end of story.

Physical Characteristics: Unlike the rest of Erudite, he doesn’t really care what he looks like most of the time. A tee- shirt, jeans, and converse really describe him to a tee. He usually has messy hair, and a crooked grin, unless he is in front of the computer, in which case his brows are furrowed in concentration and he gnaws on his bottom lip.  

Personality: He is very smart, although he doesn’t act like it most of the time. Outside of computers and equations he really is like a naive blonde. When is comes to girls you should just forget it, because he knows nothing. He is quiet, unless you start talking about something he’s interested in, in which case he won’t shut up.   

Name: Ryder Bauer

Age: 16 years and 11 months

Height: 6’7”

Faction of Origin: Dauntless

Chosen Faction: Dauntless<3

Sexuality: Straight as an arrow

Physical Features: Long, swoopy, straight brown hair, Tall with broad shoulders and muscles. Small round plugs and tattoos, dimples Bright blue eyes. Wears mostly plain T-shirts and black jeans or gym shorts.

Personality: Yeah he’s a douche too,gets bored easily, low tolerance for others, dry humor, knows how to handle himself, tough, he was 2nd in his initiation and his twin brother who was killed for divergence was 1st .

Name: Gunner Bauer

Age: 16 years and 11 months

Height: 6’6”

Faction Origin: Dauntless

Chosen Faction: Dauntless

Sexuality: Gay

Physical Features: Has a strong jaw line, dark hair that he doesn’t spend time on. He just runs his fingers through it when he wakes up and BAM! Lady killer, except for the fact that he doesn’t roll that way. He is tall, muscular, and has killer baby blue eyes that look like a storm at sea when he gets angry. His shoulders are broad and he had tattoos that cover his strong biceps.  

Personality: Outwardly much more respectful to people but extremely closed off. He never tells anyone what he’s thinking or feeling.  

Name: Genovive Alexander

Age: 16

Height: 5’2”

Faction of Origin: Abnegation

Faction of Choice: Abnegation

Sexuality: Straight… Why?

Physical Features: She is very short, with red hair that she can’t stand. Many people look right past her because she isn’t stand out beautiful, but her beauty is definitely there, it just hides under her insecurities.

Personality: Genovive is very quiet and unsure of herself. She feels like she wasn’t smart enough to be in Erudite, brave enough to be in Dauntless, outgoing enough to be in Amity, and not open enough to be in Candor. But if there is one thing she is good at, it’s putting others before herself.


Hey! We are really excited to be writing this story and can't wait to continue with it! We really love the Divergent series and it seems appropriate to share that love with anyone who will listen! Stay tuned for more:)

- Rory & Emma

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