Part 3

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Lillie's POV

I walked back to the others. I just want to make my brother happy so I want that Moon and Gladion are a couple. I'll couple them whatever it costs.

Moon's POV

,,Oh you're back" I said smiling. ,,Yes so do you guys want to go to AEther?" ,,of Course" I answered Lillie. ,,Then let's go" Lillie said and grabbed Sun's arm to come with her. ,,Gladion do you want to go with us?" I asked him when I saw Hau's pleading look. ,,Yeah. Whatever" He said and walked to us. I saw Hau smiling. I hope both of them would be happy when Hau says Gladion the truth. But what is when Gladion isn't gay or bi? Oh Arceus I hope Hau's heart will not be broken. ,,Moon are you coming?" Gladion asked me. I didn't notice that i was still Standing. ,,Y-Yeah" I said and walks with them to AEther.

-Time skip-

As we arrived at AEther Lusamine stands smiling in front of us. ,,Mother why are you so happy?" Lillie asked her. ,,I have great News! Me and Guzma will marry!" She said happily. Lillie,Gladion,Hau and I gasped and stared at her. ,,YOU'RE DOING WHAT WITH HIM?" Gladion asked very annoyed. Lusamine looked a bit sad at him. ,,I knew yiu didn't like that Gladion. But it is how it is" She said determined. ,,Mother this is great!" Lillie said and Gladion looked a bit angry at her. ,,Calm down Edgelord" I said giggling while Hau tries to hug Gladion but he blocks it. ,,What did you call me?" He asked a bit blushing. ,,Nothing" I said quick. ,,Hau stop try to hug me! I hate it when peolpe try to touch me!" He said annoyed. ,,Come on brother Hau just want to be a good friend" Lillie said and Hau blushed. ,,Yeah i just want to be a good friend." he said. Gladion layed a Hand of his Pony to ahow that he is annoyed. ,,Well Whatever. Lillie,Moon I need you 2 tomorrow to look for the perfect wedding Dress. And Hau,Gladion and Sun can you 3 help Guzma then?" She asked. ,,Sure" I,Hau,Lillie and Sun said it at the same time. Gladion only rolls his eyes. ,,Fine..." He said. ,,But let's have the sleppover now" Lillie said smiling and walked to her Villa followed from us. ,,Lets Play truth or dare" Lillie said when she stepped in her Room. ,,Great Idea" I said. ,,So Moon truth or dare?" She asked me. I don't want to do something what I would regret. ,,Truth" I said. ,,Did you ever kissed a booooy?" She asked. ,,N-No" I said. ,,Well Sun truth or dare?" I asked him. ,,Dare" He said determined. ,,kiss Lillie" I said. without hesitation he gave Lillie a kiss. ,,Aww cuuuute" I said fangirling in the Background. ,,Gladion truth or dare" Sun asked Gladion. ,,Truth" I said calm. ,,Do you have a crush on someone?" ,,...yes..." He said while his face went into a deep red. ,,Who is it" Sun asked curious. ,,It's not your Business" He said a bit pissed off. ,,Hau truth or dare" Gladion asked him. ,,uhm TRUTH" He said happy like usual. ,,Would you Idiot marry a Malasada?" He asked and we all have to laugh. ,,Of Course" Hau said laughing.

We all played it a few hours and watched TV to the Point we're getting tired. We all go to bed. I,Sun and Hau have all extra rooms were we can sleep.

-time skip to the next Morning-

Gladion's POV

I once again missed a Chance where I could say Moon that i like her more as a friend. But my pride caught me once again. Maybe I can tell .

Moon's POV

When I woke up i heard Lusamine's voice that she want to go to Ula-Ula to bought her Dress. I grabbed some clothes from me. A Blue tanktop and a black (mini)skirt should be good enough for today. As I stepped out of the room I saw Gladion but...shirtless. I felt how my face turned red as he saw me. I stepped back to the room. ,,That was embarassing" I whispered to myself. I was waiting for a few Minutes as I stepped out again. Gladion was away but I saw Hau blushing. ,,Hau..?" I asked. ,,I saw him shirtless...." He said dreamy. ,,Me too...he Looks good...." I said and regret it but Hau didn't notice that. ,,Lillie,Moon I Need you 2 now" I heard Lusamine's voice again and walked to her.


(A/N) And Chapter 3 is out :D What you guys think about AEtherskullshipping?

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