Act 2

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Sometime being tricky may lead to become one jealous lol

Well , as i am kpoper (especially exo) i like to listen k-songs and chit-chat some stupid stuffs with my friends. That day i was talking how stunning Tao is and his martial arts blah blah

and he was reading newspaper beside me. First he looked at me but i pretended i didn't know.
ofc in my mind , i'm going crazy to tease him.

sound good lalala~~

After all my friend asked me , do i like that Tao much. I said happily yes and out loud
"i like tao"

he stiffed and moved closer to me and asked "who is tao"
haha i hit him in his spot!
although i noticed the jealousy in his tone , i happily said "the guy from korean boy band exo , you see i've his photos on my bedroom wall and in my phone. i used to have his photo as wallpaper" -grin-

As the air he took away my phone and run upstair to my room and tore of all photos (tao's)
i acted like i was shocked and shouted at him.
"what's wrong with you its limited audition"
but he hugged me and said
" no honey , you can't , you can like no one but me not even in your fantasy "

i smiled behind his back and said
" don't worry i'll leave you and go to him "
he was stiffed and said
"then i have to make sure he died"

me -_- tf i'm only joking. I'll never leave you
he smiled and kiss my forehead

ofc living with jealous husband is trouble!!!!!
but A GOOD ONE haha

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